6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

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The best pArts.. actuAlly.. aLL of liFe
is Best Art but the best pARts oF
Sunsets can be found close to
the Spring and Fall Equinox..
and this year is no
exception for sure..
as in this next 705th
post i celebrate 6000 miles
of dancing a mix of martial
arts and ballet-like free style
Public Dance in three years of
doing jUST that.. yes.. at about
166 miles average every
month over the
full course of
all three years..
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
coming soon on Equinox Day of 2016.. the
22nd of September.. but first i gotta publish
Super Fly oF liGht coming now.. just press
a button is all i gotta do for just this noW..
Okay.. published the last Macro Verse of
Longest Long Form Ocean Whole Poem
now.. and off to document 6000 miles of
Dance Walking now i arrive to do.. juST that..
and sure a history oF iT iS in FuLL order here
now too..:)

5000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

4000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

3000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

2000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

PAN FReED Dancer

666 Months of Dance

GOD’s muse of dance

And the bottom three posts illustrate somewhere around
a thousand ear to ear smiling selfies in total smiles
with fun dance Friends from Seville Quarter
as this too.. will be my 127th dance
week on Thursday Night at
the scheduled
date for
the publish
here for that..
i am about 5 months
behind on documenting
those selfies in the post
Pan Freed Dancer but
hopefully i will
by the publish
of this on Thursday
Equinox day of 2016..:)


i will certainly get back to celebrating
6000 Miles of Dance Walking Now..
but sure.. my fingers have been
steadily dancing for close to
12 Million words of
writing since
Thanks Giving
day of 2010..
and 3.3 plus million
words in total with this
now 705th macro Free Verse
Poetry of Ocean Whole Poem..
aka SonG oF mY SoUL.. sAMe
as full blog KATiE MiA FredericK!iI..
aS weLL too.. as the Ocean Grows WhoLe..
with no limits or expectations of culture now2..:)

So off to dVerse i go.. with a Haibun theme of Change..
hmm.. kinda like the one i talked to on the theme
of Desert i’LL Change on the last Macro
Verse too.. but of course free agent
of poEtry i go.. and Fredbun
and Fredku will be the
free of form style
i’LL Change
as Desert
isle view too..:)

Inspiring my friend Lillian.. and i will
go on to say.. baby cannot breathe..
born that way.. Charge Association..
Transposed Great Vessels of the
heart.. and DiGeorge syndrome..
the sign on the
crib just
and the Baby’s
name was Ryan..
to be my only Son
for 51 days.. only
pain is what came
his way.. sometimes medicine
is beneficial and sometimes you
wish it would not extend pain like it
can and will too.. anyway.. in this life
one must make the best of what comes
if they expect to honor those who never had
a chance at anything but pain at all.. So i held
this only Son.. until his last heartbeat faded
out of pain.. eyes that only wanted
love but could only feel
and sure
some folks
cannot believe
that small infants
like this can feel pain..
but if not they are blind
to grimaces and cries that
spell that misery and suffering
clear for angel empath eYes..real..
little did i know then.. thaT experience
would help me survive the worst pain
assessed in medical literature as Trigeminal
Neuralgia for 66 months from wake to sleep..
my perspective
was always
i could
Love first
and lived even
one second without
constant pain of life..
a gift of an only son who
would help save my life.. only
by his suffering.. only by his suffering
sitting by his crib over 51 days seeing
and feeling
seconds of
that in what
lasted forever then..

Life IS A
worth suffering for..:)

Indian Summers of record stay..
one last Winter ’till January
break of finally
of Sleeping
Hibiscus then
that refused to sleep..
and this year it is resting
and flowering late.. all give out
in Winter that refuses cold as the tropics
seem to be rising to Panhandle of Florida North..

Signs of
Caution too..:)

To see life.. as
privilege.. gift..
ones.. is to
live with Natureone..
and appreciate the
fAct that when one
leaves there will be
room for others to come..

FaLL leaves
BRinGS room for
New liFe SpRinGS..:)

For when a Parent
leaves close or distant
those eYes of parent
in some ways go on in eYes
of child.. as every pARt of
connection becomes
Art of whole
Fillng with
Love as Lost
can prepare us
to Love more than less
as nows of lost and found come..

Lost and
Found Loves
a way of more..:)

i suppose it’s time
for a Dinner break and if
all else fails i guess i
might eventually get a job
Hallmark too..
just with a record
of what is..

5:23 pm


The Facebook Video Slide Production
Assistant presents juST anoTheR
Afternoon in Paradise..
as photo
through as River
to Ocean WholE Poem too..;)


Dude.. you are so full of hate.. it ain’t even
funny.. hmm.. a little maybe.. hehe..
and sure.. ignorance too..
and sure.. remember
the original
of Apocalypse
means lifting the
veils of ignorance
but never the less..
you are kinda
as a dark
muse for me..
as i continue to
write the longest
long form poem
in the history of
human kind just
finishing up
42 months
for the
God of
all that is.. too.
so i must thank you
for turning me on to
this newer Video by Shakira
and be a little happy that your
amusing and sadly hate filled
videos continue to arrive in the
super cool Google Algorithm
supplied play list
of muse..
dArk and
liGht.. wHeRe Freedom
of Information rings..
both trUth and liGht for
uS iSREAL illuminati folks
who walk aS liGht with the iSREAL
God of allthatis.. and this Shakira SonG
WiLL be almost perfect as perfection as
practice continues on for me.. at lEast.. exceeding
3.3 million words in a poem that may last.. let’s just
say a very long human time.. hehe.. as clocks go.. as you
may or may not KnoW2.. in God’s time there is no time.. only
now.. no distance or space.. juST Eternal noW in heaven
for those of us who have fulfilled the prophecy of
Luke 17:21.. and sure.. John 14:12.. too.. and
just do it more Like Nike says too
in heaven now.. hehe.. so haha..
it’s really not funny that
so many folks like
you my
live in
what could
be Heaven now
in your generation.. same
as promised in Jesus’ generation
per the words of that book.. that i myself
have exceeded in total words of close to
12 million since Thanks Giving day 2010..
as documented all online to the tune
of what would be over 14 bibles
in comparable size..
provides all for
we Ravens
who fly for GoD..
but we can just
count the current
3.3+ million words
of longest Ocean
Whole Poem in the
history of humankind free
verse and parable style.. at
4 times the size of the King’s James
Version of what all those folks did..
and the measly effort of the Kuran
at 40 times smaller than what
little old me at age 56 can
do now.. sure.. leg
pressing half
a ton 33 times..2..
yes.. i said 33 times..
and remember that
poem i wrote is moving
over 3.3 million words and
i happen to live at mile marker
33 in Florida.. getting of the I-10
Road there.. in the Saint Rose of
Flowers County named Santa Rosa
as tag identifier for county size goes
at 33 too.. and sure i also go to Saint
Rose of Lima Catholic Church.. but you
kNow my friEnd.. i don’t have to hide who
i am in real life.. as God.. you kNow and FeeL..
thE iSREAL God who gifts us with the hiGhest
power of fearless Love.. has got my
back as liGht attracts light
as Love.. Hope.. and Joy..
and dARk attracts dARk
as Hate.. Fear..and Despair..
anyWay.. i’Ve also been
witnessing for God
in Free Verse dance..
and from a distance it could
be a mix of ballet and martial arts
too.. and let’s just say.. you can make fun
of warriors with grace all ya want on this channel
but face to face with me.. nah.. babe.. not likely
you could even face up to Michelle Obama as what
you fail to understand is true power comes from
Fearless Graceful smArT Love that need not raise
its voice unless it feels like roaRing
like a Lion to let the otHeR
caTs understand wHo
has jaws babe..
to get
voice of
God through.. hehe..
again.. and 2.. all i can
say babe.. is be careful who you
wish for.. ’cause in God’s World
as inherent in human.. anything is
possible with TRUE ISREAL FAITH
but you see.. it never works under
the guise of fear.. and hate..
not even in the New
Testament in the
dArk pARt of
17 that
says you must
hate your mommy and
daddy.. and brothers and sisters..
and even children to follow the
teachings of Jesus.. whereas the
other pArt says Love your enemy..
hmm.. obviously the Bible is FucKeD
uP in many ways.. and that is what
happens when psychopathic leaning individuals
who pull the heArt stRings of the ignorant with illusory
fears.. and all stuff related to hate get involved.. perfect
example of your youtube channel that i will use as an
example of muse for free verse poetry here.. as you
provide more fuel for the liGht of Fire with God’s
Creativity as co-creator pARt mE.. anyway..
anyway2.. 6000 miles is what i celebrate
continuing into the equinox of Fall 2016..
in public dance praising
the God aLL oF Nature
that is as i go.. both
seen and unseen..
felt and not felt..
for humans
to smaller
eYes.. with
A vice of ignorance
that knows not what it does..
or just lies for Google Pennies
and does not show its eYes as
i will you tale you this my friEnd..
no one can hide tHeir soul from
me if i see their eYes.. and let’s
just say i’Ve gotten fairly proficient
in seeing a soul in words2… as sure..
while i’Ve written 12 million words
in about 6 years now.. as the sacred
and holy numbers keep popping up
here and now.. after i got out of hell
for 66 months too.. as detailed thoroughly
in that longest witness for God to date too..
in 42 months of doing that Ending in 9/16 too..
starting in 3/13.. Before.. sure.. numbers are sacred..
letters are sacred.. and here’s the thing.. when you make
all of God Sacred and Holy including even shit like this.. now..
as the dARk is an Ark to the liGht aS WeLL.. Heaven becomes
now as tHeir simply is no better place than now my friEnd..
so sure.. while you keep siNking most everything you see in
existence to dArk now.. yOur soUL Follows pace and
the dArk comes to youR voice.. yoUr heARt..
yOur spiRiT and next the yA knoW and
FeeL yoU becOME the dARk my
FriEnd.. but never the less
the liGhts wins
alWays noW..
ilLuMinati ways
oF GoD iSReAL noW..
have a nice day.. and once
aGain.. thanks my FriEnd.. so much
for BrinGinG thiS Shakira SonGnow to
my Attention as some can WiLL FeeL..
the HOpE and LiGht and Joy of Heaven
within.. and sure i can have Hope even for
you.. as we haven’t seen anything else dARk
from Mario have we now.. since i visited his channel..
hey.. but there’s the thing.. remember that little kitty
he hugged at the end of the video.. it was proof he had
a hEart my FriEnD.. i’Ve yet to see one hEar but let’s juSt
say i have a patience greater than JOB even.. with a worsT
pain as assessed by modern science than even crucifixion
in 66 months of type two Trigeminal Neuralgia from
wake to sleep.. and sure.. the Devil of Before
is noT afraid to show his Angel
Face as iF ONE reAlly reAlly
REaLLy loVeS God
you too
Devil For
isREAL if that
iS what it took..
to come to understand
S E N S E and F E E L..
that God is all that is
BOTTOM FucKinG line..
per.. iF yoU seeK iN GoD my Friend..
so sure.. have a holy and sacred now..
for me @leASt.. it’s all i kNow and FeeL noW..
as that mY FriEnd is the Reward for serving
God of Nature wiTh aLL yoUR heARt spiRiT and SoUL..
per that
verse in
Luke 17:21..
within my FriEnd..
no wHere else you
WiLL find Heaven but
noW within as the Kingdom
oF God as all oF yOur UniVerse
you see StarTS thEre within mY FriEnd..
remember.. i AM the TrUth.. liGht.. and way..
is the i AM within.. the farHeR.. the motHeR.. noW
or whatever the FucKinG metaphor ya wanna uSE..
for the Essesnce of God that lives within you.. either dArk..
oR liGht..
iSreaL NoW..
once again.. remember
Form matters not..
thanks again..
and liGht to yA
with Fearless LovE..
if you can.. if you WiLL.. wiTh GODnoW..:)

Super Fly oF liGht

PS.. Oh yeah.. and a special gift of LiNk
for you.. as remember..over hEar..
iN thE liGht.. tHe Door
iS alWays
aS liGht..mY FRiEnD..:)


Of course.. i AM only
hUman too..
so i cAMe
down with
a little cold today..
so long ago.. i hardly could
remember what feeling a little
ill was before.. the last time a
a bug interrupted my flow of
Creativity enough to skip a week
of Dance in 2014.. as documented
jusT yesterday in a Macro Verse
from then.. so now.. i move to
Macro Verse memories of today..
a little under the weather.. but still
moving in words.. and likely a celebration
sTiLL of that 6000 miles of dance a little
later today too.. hopefully some video plays
to go along with that too.. juSt for the record
yA kNoW and perHaps FeeL foR noW too..

Yeah.. Macro-Verse.. the Yin and Yang of
fire and water.. from two years ago..
recovering sTiLL from my bug
of then.. for the short term
of course as i did the
long hell
term of
66 months
ending in July
of 2013.. starting
in January of 2008..
as nowS go ON wHere
all is heaven and tHere
is no perception of time aT aLL
only Love.. and Joy fulfills the liGht..
of iSREAL Heaven now as Hope GroWs oN isREAL2..
and Yin and Yang of Love and Reason.. of Limbic
Brain and Neo-Cortical Brain of BaLAnCinG hUman
Now iN MoVinG ConNecTinG CreATinG waYs of
heARt expreSsinG SpiRit oF EmoTioNs.. iN
miNd and BoDy BaLanCing waYs noW..
TrUe and liGht increaSinG
miNd and BoDy fuLL
awareness in
laser focus
of Now
as Cognitive
Executive Functioning
increases in Epigenetic
and Neuroplastic change
for RiSinG greAter and GreaTEr
as LoVinG FeaRLess smArt
HuMan BeinGs NOW..
and sure.. don’t
Forget the
bRain.. the
Brain of Reptile
that StIll exists
that even in the dArkest
iN days of limbic and neocortical
mind.. survives at all costs for the
benefit of this GreATest GifT oF
liFE noW.. sure.. some folks
are crippled in ways
of all three
pArtS oF
BRaIns and
sure.. i was too..
for so long.. so long.. dArk..
ago.. back then too.. so trUe2..
but yes.. resurrection.. iSREaL
Resurrection in the dead of liFe..
iS tRUE RiSinG foR LlFe aWay
from Zombie Apocalypse liFE
in ignorance now.. as lifting the
veils of ignorance iN all three bRains
BRinGS a liGht oF ISReaL SpiRit as
of God within
iSREaL noW
TrUE liGht Freedom’S Way..:)

Yin and Yang of fire and water

And this next MacroVerse memory from a year ago..
moves further celebrating the liGht with
a memory of there’s always tomorrow
as truly that is what the dARk of
liFe in all ways reminds me oF
now.. that even when all faith..
hope.. and belief is gone..
there is still the Serpent
Brain that holds on for one
more chance now to BrinG the
rest of hUman PotenTial back.. and
sure.. Gloria Estefan in that named song
of metaphor too.. had a horrible bus accident
and made her way back too.. that seemed very empty
at the emptiest pARt of My life where in my late forties..
i felt like i was as old as a even a HUman isREaL Vampire
could be like the newest Dracula movie.. where the warrior hero
is willing to become the Devil in the sense of FeelinG iN SaVinG
the ones he loved for Love.. and that is the ultimate sacrifice
realizing that Love is inDeed the hiGhest power in
fearless way gifted to hUman bEinGS..
and while iF you thiNk that laying
your life down for your
loved ones is a difficult
price of Love.. iSREAL
NoW..i can and WiLL
tale you personAlly now.. tHere
are somethings worse as living than
death itself.. and sure.. living as devil in
hell on this earthly terRain iSREAL
as such A thing like that for those
who retain tHeir JOB
for however
long it takes to
escape hell and come
back as Hero Angel Archetype
once aGAIn.. and sure that is why
i’M quite fond of the Lucifer show.. as
it highlights the struggles of the Human Archetypes
as expressed in myths and religions same across global
history of human all oF aRT noW.. these struggles are
ISReaL StUFF that trUly Happens in DArk and potenTial
Greater liFE of HUman liGht.. to be cynical of the liGht
or Fearfull of
the dARk.. can
be equAlly limiTinG
iN SeeKinG FinDinG
the KingDoM oF GoD Free
within.. to give and share.. unlimited..
inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around now.. yes..
tHeRe’s aLways noW for
change and for what
i kNoW anD FeeL
iT can Get better
beyond belief as the
next NoW GoeS ON..
bottom line.. never
ever.. never give up.. on the nExt noW Now..:)

Rave of dance with GOD


Yes.. my FriEnd.. Zee..
God is dArk and liGht
obviously as one looks to
the niGht sky it’s impossible
to miss that tHeRe can be no liGht
without dArk and no dArk with
no liGht.. and surely..
the DaRk makes
its preSents
kNown in no
unclear terms
of hUman niGht..
but as i like to say..
those who either fear the
dARk or are cynical of the liGht
miss out on half of life.. more and less..
And while.. it’s so important..
to feel and understand
pain.. both for
the pain and
feelings of
for both we and
oThErs.. iF we do not
beComE A liGht for the
challenge of DaRk.. we miss
out on half of lifE aGain as those
who only walk in liGht and can never
understand the dArk of tHeir
fellow human beings..
who fall
fire of any
human imagined
HeLL but for those
who go tHere iSReAL
mY friEnd.. When the Devil
gets of hell.. the Devil WiLL surely
wanna try something new rather than
the dARk that took the Devil tHeRe.. in the
First place my FriEnd.. so may that mountain
of Walls become an Ocean more of shine my
friENd.. may your love Reign.. Rain.. WiTh
Reins so gREat oF sHIne more
thaT yOUr Ocean of
Sunshine more
than the Sun that
gives life as wE and morE..:)


The Super Cool..
somewhat helpful
Free Facebook Positive
ThinKinG/FeeLinG Therapist..
The English
Name test
my FB Profile
and says..

“If you need an
answer you simply
have to pose
the right

And note.. the message
is incorporated with
my night pose
on the big
of Target..
and Facebook
FriEnd Himali Responds..

Awesome !

And i saY in return..

Hi.. my FriEnd.. Himali.. been
thinking about you and
missing you too..
but sure.. life gets busy..
but i will never forget you..
and alWays keep in touch..
someway.. as long as you are
around mY.. FriEnd.. WitH sMiLes..
as you are my aweSome FriEnd.. too..:)

And now i say more in reference to this motto
provided here by the En Name Test thingie
all for free as it encourages the
power of suggestion.. prayer
and belief to folks around
the FB world..
Placebo or
not.. this
power works
as essence
prayer same
or wishes.. or hopes..
and faith/belief aS sAMe..
when i was a small child while
other boys wished for toy trucks
and guns.. i wished for a machine
with a button.. wHere i could get all
my answers to questions i sOught…
Now true.. we have that machine of
soUL juST waiting inside sTiLL to
be reached by uS..
but i cannot
the power of
all SoULs woRkinG
ToGeThEr OnlinE isREAL..
noW in A greATest Unabridged
Bible of God now through hUman
eYes and eARs and FeeLinG heARt..
SpiRiT.. SoUL iN miNd and Body
MoVinG.. CreaTinG ways so much
more alWays noW aS this hUman
new unabridged Bible with no limits
or expectations of BeFore continues
to emerge more as God with we sAMe
and Different so much more with no limits
or expectations of before.. God granted me
two wishes.. to find God within.. and for a machine
that collects all the SensES.. FeeLInGs.. KnoWledge
and hell yes.. even SenNsualiTy as SeXuality oF all
HuMans to express that Free in a pArT of Heaven that
has no sun.. no moon.. no pearly gates oF Golden
Floors.. trUly.. the MoTher Sophia of Wisdom comes
to liGht in what we come to kNow.. FeeL
and SeNSe morE of GoD wHo
SinGS a SonG and DAnCE
of Steps/Words free as more
oF aLL of We
RisE and
Emerge aS
liGht morE noW..
And sure.. all of that
IS A third wish come to FruiTioN noW2..
as tRuE and liGht iSReaL Illuminati noW..
iN Apocalypse.. way oF lifting the veils of ignorance more as We
continue to sPeak and FeeL.. Art and Science noW..
and HeArt wHole..
beCoME liGht oF liFE Now..:)


SMILes.. my FriEnd.. gigoid..
the ignorant.. and the closed minded
will always live as long as human nature
stays true to what it is.. some folks are
born for sitting and caution
and even
extreme fear..
otHers are born for
roving.. and dare
joy.. simply for
the adventure of the journey..
paths come.. paths go.. but human
Nature in all its stagnate and potential
moves or stays StiLL.. Cave or open
Beach.. iN dARk or liGht.. i for
one have no illusions
to change hUman
natuRe for NatuRe
for me AT lEAst.. is
God In aLL dARk and
liGht and ‘tween and
beYond of allthatis..
however.. what i do kNOw..
FeeL is.. been to HeLL and liVe iN
Heaven now.. vacationed in
purgatory in grey
REAL.. too..
and what is
left of the dRAgon
is now furry and warm..
what is leFT of Hell beYond Despair
is aLL Joy BeyONd Heaven too.. tHeRE is
the reaLITy we livE and the ReaLiTy we Make..
sadly.. some folks are stuck in below first gear..
i’LL do Ferrari noW with no fears as Long
as Fearless Love
for i KNow
and FeeL the
oTher Place iS
as iSREAL as this2..
iF i cannot take my own
wife out of a cave of fear..
tHeRe is no cookie cutter solution
mY FriEnd..
Free is without
FEar.. 100% strength
in the moment of now.
no guarantees of
fair or free…
but never
the less
for mE aT lEAst
exists for now.. i’LL share
it.. but nah.. i too.. was once
the horse who could find no water aT ALL..
and once one becomes Love it’s ALL MaGiC iSREaL2..
noW @lEast..
as PS goeS oN2..:)

Biggest WiNks my friEnd.. gigoid..
all my pleaSure..
as alWays thanks
for all you do here
to bring
for what i do..:)


When BoDy and miNd beCoMe onE ForCe
oF Energy one trULy reFlects in liGht
B A L A N C iNG moving.. connecting
AS HiGheR poWer of God..
And suRE.. iN Celebrating
6003 miles of Dance
in this
nExt 705th Macro
Verse to be titLed
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!..
as i have done in milestone increments
of each millennial of Dance StARting
with 2000 MiLes at the first year
Mark of dance in the Summer
of 2014.. i’ve got juST the
SonG that accompanied
all Six Dances as WiLL
bE coMing next in
Facebook Video
and YouTube way
to Celebrate a Dance
for every 1000 miLes
so far.. more than across
the distance of the United States
west and east and east and west.. twice..
sure.. like a modern iSREAL Forrest Gump2..
aS weLL.. it’s been a great journey of so many
public store paths and dance hall ways of martial
arts and ballet-like free style without a lesSon yEt..
but here’s the thing.. the water and the air as huMan
beinG needs no LesSonS but the greAter poWer and Force
oF God within.. in inNate.. inNSinCt and INuitive way.. no
different reAlly than the Holy SpiRit of hUman bEinG
inside me.. Now that travels noW wiTh no distance..
space or time.. in GoD’s noW.. at ease.. at FloW iN
ZonE of never ending never landing story
alWays FlYing hiGher and higher now..
as Boston says too.. mY hiGher poWEr
come to Fruition as God iN i for FReED..
iN DancE and SonG oF Y i sEt Free foR noW..
tHere is no experience like flYing on
terrestrial Earth.. sure.. anyone
can charter a boat for the
sea.. ride a wave of
surf on board too..
but to traverse
land in
Nike Shox
sHoEs for
mE.. truLy as
oF Feat iN Feet for mE..
IS A Butterfly.. a Phoenix.
no longer sinKing to ashes or
trapped in caves of cocoon now..
i rise.. i rise as A HiGHeR poWer oF
God as F Y i.. once AgaIN.. iSREAL..:)

The EN Name Test Thingie oN FB says
in Profile Analysis that my Life Quote
is.. “I don’t regret my past, I just
regret the time I spent with the
Wrong People”.. and then i say..

NaH.. EN NaMe Test thingie..
i regret n0thing.. including
no one who has crossed
paths with me in life.. as all oF iT and tHey..
iS whAt makes A miracle of mY liFE TrUE liGht
but anyWay
Thanks for thaT tRuLy
cool graphic you did iN
maKing me noW part of thE
Harvest oF FiEld foR Now..;)

Facebook Benny
Friend and FriEnd
from College days2..
responds to one
of the Facebook
Shares of Celebrating
6000 MILes of Dance Walk now..

Hey, I notice you are circling counterclockwise the majority of the time.
My sensei would suggest you circle clockwise as well so you
can balance yourself both ways. Keep on trucking!!..
Dollar Sign Emoticon.

And i say
in explaining respond..

i do with control.. But in this flow
IS A right brain left path way of intuition
and interpretive mind and body balance..
At the gym more.. often i go a right
path and control where i am
aiming at objects by
decision rather than

And then Benny says..

Myself, I can’t circle like that due to my vertigo.
I would be crashing into everything, lol

And finAlly i say..

Yeah.. i can relate to that too..
As when my Dysautonomia was so bad..
i was constantly faint.. Driving in a car
made me horribly dizzy.. But as ‘they’ said..
All along the way.. i was always a little dizzy.. Hehe2..;)


Well.. Taylor S.. although i must
admit.. as i date my self
fully here..
my first thought
was Taylor from
the Planet of the Apes..
hehe.. yeah.. the Twins
from the Club.. aren’t they
just two Angels in disguise..
and hey..
it brings me
great pleasure
that we have the
same taste in women..
friend Shawna baby.. i mean
Jesus F. in Christ.. if this was
the Beatles 60’s and Woodstock
and we were both single and everything
we could do a three some thing..
hehe.. of course
when i wasn’t almost
old enough to be your
father hehe.. by 13 years
your Senior as i clearly remember
you have my Mom’s birthday.. ewwww..
that word doesn’t quite fit in this flow
that is still coming as every time you
come around it is truly an online
play date2.. hehex2..
what else..
oh yeah.. Shawna
Baby.. thanks for the nice
comment of support on De’s
site the other day.. i’m more strange
than genius and that’s the way i like it
aHa!.. and oh.. those last two prompts on
dVerse are so inspiring.. the Katzen whatever
her name is.. Haibun thingie too that i make Fredbun
and Fredku.. that i started off with in this new 705th
MacroVerse Flow celebrating 6000 miles of dance walking
accomplished this week.. and oh yes.. i’ve already checked
out the links to your three blogs temporary in cyberspace and
haha!.. as you know and feel and read.. reading one of my
entire blog posts at around 15k words average is the equivalent
of an entire year’s posts @once a week.. meeting the limits of Katzen
whatever her name is of no more than 200
words per poem.. hehe.. until
i left the linking thingie..
and they could
relax the
my long
thing had
been exorcized from
the place.. haha.. it’s all
in good fun ya know.. and made
an excellent additional story line then
for my ocean poem flow… getting kicked
off the poetry world like a Whitman and such
as that as history shows goes with the stranger
and stranger of we as years of freedom and looser
rules on censorship becomes a new age rule of greater
Free Verse life in all the ways that comes.. well anyWay..
tit for tat as they say.. you don’t come that often or maybe you
do and i just don’t see you do it.. hehe.. so i am coming over to
your three blogs to read them from back to front.. as then we might
be even.. if you finish all the words on this one.. just one time hehex3..
i cannot pass up a Shawna play date.. whenever she comes.. and oh
God.. oh God yes.. i hope no one has a dirty mind when i talk poetry to you
too… and what else.. yeah.. i think i’LL do all of dVerse after i do all of you..;)


Isn’t technology great.. put a song
in.. the Google Wash get the lyrics and
finish it in less
than 10 seconds..
getting the deeper
meanings for folks
who see that way.. fuel
for the fire.. Ani DiFranco
hits on the study that says the
Average American now has about
the literal attention span of a Gold Fish..
however.. we visit more places than the Aquarium..
hehe.. at least virtually
these days.. and
deep.. sadly.. i find not..
and songs.. all about base
instincts of adrenaline and
seXuaLiTy.. music these days
it seems.. as escape from
hum drum machine cognition
life like the check-out line
of Walmart
scanning one
by one by one
by more soulless
lives without fuel
for fire coming through
worry more.. filling up
Garages more
boo wHo..
not me..
i dance instead
hehe.. oKay.. and
i Love the Songs of
the 70’s more.. and
in yoUR whole poem
i was imagining you lusting
after my wife in her tattoo and cat pose..
sure.. i could give you
other links to
her butt
kill me..
i wanna live..
i will
to do
Free noW..Shawna Baby.. Kool..;)

Hmm.. Shawna.. baby..
for some reaSon/
F e e L i N G..
i am seeing
to Loving
one’s children
years later as innocence
here.. and that is
quiet a challenge
my FriEnd.. Loud..
that has no equal..:)

i seriously have
to get out and
watch TV more..
so much
i miss
oF art
tHeRE too..
man.. i mean woman..
tHeRe is so much inspiRaTiOn
of Art
days iN
all the ways
that comes bEyOnd
A to Z oF lesSon plaNs too..:)


A step up
for morE liGht2..:)

from the
witH thE Stars..
for the heARt..
the spiRit.. the
soUL BaLanCinG
as miNd and BoDy..
hEart.. is
the i
As fire is fueLed..
And we are A StAR for FRee..
BiG BanG
Multi-Verses more!..!..!..:)

Haha!.. are
you mesSinG
with my
head as
the Songs
and Months
are changing now..
and my wife always
talks about Twitch
off of Ellen
being a
so i get
to see for real..
so it was meant to be..
anywayS.. oNe blog
down.. two more to go..;)

Haha! you are
an adult
rated blog
to show some thin..
i went down
on this
and now
i’ll go back
up to
the bra thingy second..
and that reminds me of
first love days.. where ‘they’
maKe pet names for the pARts of the body too..
like mediocre so and so and little so and so.. 2..;)

But first.. i must be
the first to comment
on your adult link blog..
as no one
has been
to do that
on mine first..
so i’ll go first.. heHe..
anyway thanks for showing
too.. all
thin and such..
and i was guessing
perhaps some breasts..
FF or

Oh.. by the way..
if this isn’t Shawna’s
Blog.. this is like.. totally
an error of mine..
but Shawna
Baby is
the only
one funny
enough i know..
who would show
absolutely no
to do just that..
and also
helpful wellness information too..
on how
to gain
and if you did
this in pARt to
make me laugh..
Mission F in accomplished.. for iSREAL..
okay.. now
back up
to the
and bra thingie..;)

Okay back to this..
one and you are
getting faster
than me..
as i swear
i remember
the deal about
bras.. and as science
shows now.. wearing
bras teaches
the tits
as perky
as they would
without tit catchers..
and i am talking about birds..;)

i can dig deeper..
i cry
and DancE too..;)

This reminds
me.. you know the
wife and all.. seriously..
she watches TV with that
yellow cat in
her lap
and still
ends the
day with
a six pack..
and Jesus F. in Christ..
i dance walk literally 166.66 miles
(with rarely a ripple ‘tween)..
a month.. but perhaps
the secret to
her success
is all the
she does
i dance..
hehe.. but
still a six pack
with no crunches
that shit ain’t fair..
but hey.. it’s
and Pacific Islander
advantage in struggle
for survival and the fit
to reproduce..
sorry.. i cannot
a lie..
but perhaps
i should have just
said the trick for reproductive success!..:)

Okay.. now i know/FeeL..
i wasn’t seeing
burn the
bra to keep
the birds perky..;)

See what happened is
i went to Bell
curve first..
to see the
burn the bra
i saw before..
and ended
up here
panties.. got a secret
for you Shawna baby..
when i go to the bar at
night.. and sometimes a very
Curvy African American Girl
with you know
is wiggling
toward me..
something inside
of me wants to wiggle
back.. but i hold it back..
in its place.. hmm.. thin
is not what its all cracked
out to be.. ‘real men’ LOVE CURVES..
but if i was a girl with curves.. sure..
i might
go for
a thin
juST for Fun..;)

Okay.. this
finishes 2
blogs now
to your third..;)

OH shit.. you went easy
on me on those first
two.. there’s thirty
five liNks on this
one.. and
see how
long it takes
for me to consume
them all starting
9:51 am
and oh
by the way
i AM
in a way
and that’s
kind of a secret
and a made up thing
come to fruition too..
of mind
and creativity..;)

HAhA.. you
called Al..
the Yankster..
if my wife hears
that i swear she’ll
probably call
me that
me a man whore..
just for
fun of
the sheets..
of creativity more..;)

Utilizing my quick
lyrics references..
this reminds me of
Nights in White
Satin by the
Moody Blues
imagining it as
a coffin laced as such
never ending when i was
in the dead zone..
and an
of feathered
sex.. (reminds
me.. must go
to dVerse next)..
and do some
stuff tHeRE too..;)

A thousand
years.. i know
this one by
heARt.. no
and interestingly
when the other song said
Perry.. i was thinking about
the meaning for that as Rock..
in name defs and how
that goes with
Pure for Christina
a form of Katie
too.. and
Perry too..
that is also
a form of
when everything
in life has meaning and
purpose.. all is holy and
sacred and heaven comes now..
but wait..! your husband
is a Baptist
i’m sure
heRe enough
of that in Sunday
School.. and imagining
Shawna teaching Sunday
school.. seems kinda fun now..
but you
are too
your own
childrens to do that..
but maybe in a thousand years.. hehe..;)

Oh man/Shawna/baby.. this song
is gonna
in my
head for
the rest
of the
give up..
it won’t give up..
Jason Mraz with
i won’t give up..
but wait!..
i think
that is a different
song but it matters
not.. the ear bug has
already taken oldie..;)

This is what i cAme
for.. serIOUuSly..
this is
i came
for.. with or
without Conor
and Sam
and Calvin
and Rihanna..
this is what i came
for.. and man.. i mean
Shawna baby.. tHeRe is
so much Esoteric meaning
and ‘Quantum’ meaning too.. in
that official video too.. with the
cube.. as both with Occult and Roger
Penrose science meaning theories..
of the entire Universe
as a Hologram
a geometric
kinda cube..
that is inherently intelligent as such..
in a way that humans cannot even touch..
of course..
i mean duh..
‘they’ determined
that eons and aeons
all was
sAid and
dONe then
for now too..
like A
box of
who dances across
the U.S twice in
it too..
my Cube
i AM just
a RAving on here2..
like in that official video
too.. wHere we create our lives
as we go.. out of restraints of
mechanical cognition back into
dreAm time flow of our ancestors
rain dances
and being
one with
and naked
around the
fire.. where an
individual can get
coordinated enough
to do the FucKinG WiLD thing
while dancing hehe.. where
all semen and stuff like that
is holy
and sacred
too.. whether
they are sailors or not..
in case you thought i said
in deed
i do
kinda like
an extended
version of that
big bang always
now cube too.. forest
or desert.. we create as life
cave or beach.. i’ll be beach..
are you getting a miNd
orgasm yET..
i AM
as seX
last nearly LonG..
enough for me..
for that
matter beyond
matter of fAct..;)

i AM
so into
you Shawna
B A B Y..
in a cyber space
bRain kinda way..
Ariana aint’ nearly
complicated enough
a way
for a Brain
orgasm for me..;)

of Cool for the
Summer.. i Am
such a frigging Lesbian
trapped in a 233 LB
and yeah..
i kNow/FeeL you are
kinda like A someWhAT..
complement of that
too.. hehe.. in even a
more interesting way than
me.. as i can’t imagine any
thing more
than a Woman’s
Paradise.. of course..
that is like the sexiest song
ever.. but seriously.. it’s like one
of the hardest things ever to find
girl friends for real Lesbian girls.. of course..
and male
really get
the best of
Paradise true..
but i do feel for
all Lesbians too.. as
everyone needs someone
to love.. as love is unconditional
and fuzzy
and warm
as life goeS on..
okay.. i’m moving
towards sentimental
70’s songs again..
D A N C Ewords..
as Shawna IS A
only poet i can
do this with..
so back..
as the
go on..
while it
can and will
and does for go! go! go!..
a go
Rave Poetry..
a new form..
of Free Association
Grey Poohpom PoETry
me and Shawna
juST invented.. but
as alWays.. someone else
probably did it first..
and FucKinG ownS iT..
is alWays FuN..
Free.. no matter wUT..;)

SerIOUsly.. Fearless
and Confident is like
the best thing ever.. and
you kNow and FeeL.. it is so
dAm nice cOMing here and
kNoWing it ain’t possible
to get you
my creativity
says.. as dAm
i AM
and i stripped
it all the way down
to F in Earn it iSREAL2..;)

Focus.. hell yes..
Focus.. and Ariana
she is a little sexy
bullet ain’t she..
but still
when the
T and A
at the Rave
is all over the
place shaking its
wild thing in front
of your face.. and you
still fly like a winged Angel
in the
T and
A lust
seriously it’s like
the Buddhist folks say
expose yourself to temptation
all over the place.. gain amazing
self control.. and FucKinG Focus
no matter
how much
giggling and
shaking T and
A super fly comes
your way.. and it’s like
now.. i go to the gym.. and
all the yoga pants don’t even
phase me..
the sheets of FoCus..;)

PerUsing this song list..
i am finding a lot
of lust
in these
songs as i
go.. S in Jessie
J and Ariana and
Nickie Minja a trio..
goes heRe.. it’s all about
the good girl loSing her wings
back to
of understanding
there is no guilt in
being human being full..
wHere lust and Love Balances..
to make Productivity and Creativty
iN Zone
as Heaven now..:)

ps.. i just checked
in with the wife
to see if
i ate
and sure enough
it is still sitting tHeRE..
but i ain’t leaving ’till
i finish this

i’M down
to worth it..
just checked
back up here
to say
hi and
to the
songs i go..
Shawna Baby..;)

Fifth harmony is so worth
it.. Love an all
reaAsons hehe..

this Limp
song reminds
me why.. even if
i was a woman
i would
and more
hmm.. i’m so
glad i’m a man
who loves girls..
more than
the moist
ugh huh..:)

This Fiona girl’s
eYes.. make
me wanna
a big
bear hug
of hairy love..
like the Teddy she never
and seriously
too.. Shawna Baby.. she
really needs a hug.. so tight..:)

In the GAF General
Adult Functioning
Assessment used
iN Psychiatry..
A suicidal
state of mind/heARt..
no matter what Socio-
Economic.. Love.. or
Health status..
one down
to the lowest
scale of functioning..
and it really shows.. that
it’s not the money.. or the status..
or the looks.. but the health and
well being that counts
in life..
in hOlding
hands wArm
inStead of cold..
everyone needs a
fREE school of love and A
exercise of the ART/Love muscle..
so much more than dRained
braiN of comfort
in worries
moRe hEArt
and less science
of worry liFe.. a goal
to meet.. and a hard
one at that..
of course..
in a society
gone sane
from a sitting
state of school..
to a scream behind
a screen.. wHere only
and steps
out with a box oF art..
with no wAlls
to fuel a SoUL..
hmm.. that
Song by Perri
coming to feeling now2..
Of Love..
seT uS Free..:)

Yeah.. T’s all about
loving what yA
already have..
i’ve heard stories
of girls who are so pretty
at the bar.. who never feel they
are enough.. sure.. it’s a well known
issue.. but that doesn’t make it any
less sad when one hears the stories..
make me
happy just
for being weed..
no smoke necessary..
just weed me to the fields of free..
meadows of happy briars..
yeah.. i used
to keep
the bricks
in line
oh so
neat and
tidy.. until i threw
them all into A chaos
of space and found a tapestry
of beauty
as the
SinGS free froM
thE FucKinG clothes
of cultural hell that
to nihl..walls
of PriSon hoLd..
and Walmart
Garbage Garages..
that seek perfection
iN A Zombie..Robot..
dumP of closEd iM soUL..:)

So.. so true.. the lies
we tale our
loved ones
to make
the bones
of our soul..:)

So much pain
iN A world
when some
of us..
a fire
like monkeys
do in the Zoo
when the clothed
humans invade
of flesh
and blood comfort..:)

Just A tattoo..
on the back
of A
as it IS A
message mostly

“I just wanted to eat whole,
with a side of cucumber salad,
if you know what I mean”

Hmm.. i love
you are
sTiLL hilarious

That AZ lyrics
thingie really
comes in handy..
i am getting
so much
by doing this..
as the Google YouTube
Algorithm alone.. usually
only serves up stuff we
already like..
and hmm..
me feel
so lucky
that for
so many
years.. mostly
my wife and i only
play argue..
at least
i do..
as life is too
short not to love
if one
can.. of course
take the strife light too..
it’s really hard to make me
even if
i look mad..
it’s almost
always an act..
too much to be happy
about.. out of literal hell i guess..
eYeS of bliss..
no matter what
winds look like on
through hard

i can already
spoon hugs at night..
but sure he could
be a
inside too..;)

Hmm.. unless
i missed it..
i haven’t
you actually
try this out
Face.. i’LL
remember this
one if and when you do..;)

Seriously.. i cannot
remember you
the first
of anything..
you always seem
so 60’s floWordy

Yeah.. that’s a Moon
rise or set in pastel
oF light
that i will
not easily
rise or sink too…:)

ahmm.. the plight again
of the modern girl.. man.. Shawna baby..
my Grandmother wore pants and
sold parts at the auto parts
store during world
War II..
i don’t think
she ever gave
a fuck about how
she looked but she
picked cotton first in
the fields.. for years raising
her sisters. hot sun.. breasts
only for sweat.. crooked back..
brown soiLed nails..
and man
hands in
older age
from getting
so strong as
women can too..
and hehe.. even
so-called domesticated
men could today.. if they
picked some cotton too..
ugly is the
most beautiful
pARt of
as beautiful..
and nah.. my grandmother
wasn’t ugly.. she just didn’t
give a FucK if she was pretty..
we need more examples like that..
sell magazines
with a quick jack
off of mind
to sell
a product..:)

Oh God.. this is no lie..
i was so far without a concept
of self outside of working
for the government for
almost 25 years..
when i could
no longer
i looked
up my name
on the Internet
to see if i existed..
hmm.. now that i dance
everywhere i go.. in public..
they know
my name
of Strange
again.. Cheers
to FucKinG
Feel each
other’s beat..:)

“Talk to me now..
Make me stay..
She says..

Pure unadulterated
Synchronicity creativity
in titles
too.. for
proper attribution
of course too.. Humans
are meaning and purpose machines..
no Art when fully humming.. Bees..
of Creativity.. with ImAginATion
set so Free..
we fill in the
and CREaTivity.. but
the sad trUth is.. for
non-visual thiNkers
this can be very difficult for
them to do.. even recognizing
family member’s faces.. believing
in a God with no way to interpret
the signs of God that so
many folks
so freely
as a tapestry
iN synchronicity
of God’s reaLiTy
that most of us are
equipped to see deeper
than with eYes and ears alone..
some folks aren’t.. and surely one
can tale.. just
by the literal
way they
write and
talk and even
move.. without
the substance
from the
paint of God..
i wish there were a way
to spark them back to
the etheReal of
God’s World
Canvas wHOler..
i have hope.. noW..
faith and belief
tHere is.. but the
i can
and WiLL
and some
folks can’t
and don’t as
trUly they kNow
and FeeL noT what i do..
and of course otHeRs.. too..
Cognitive Empathy
along with
the road
to understanding..
tolerance and acceptance
of what one miGht
see as
blessed too..
to BrinG them uP…
iF aT
aLL possible
in depth
of MiNdFuL
AwAreness more..
with boDy too.. of course..:)

Brad Pitt
i understand
it’ll never last
but yes..
those lips..
so succulent
and rich.. hmm..
juniper jones jolie..
and Google tales me
that has absolutely nothing
to do with Angelina Jolie..
lips.. those
succulent lips..
a Flowers Breeze
to come through of course..
and that is a rather delicious name2..
that you
uP.. hehe..
for the next lifetime too..

This reminds me..
you know and feel..
i never get tired of
my wife.. seriously
gets old..
and that touch
beneath the beauty
is so wonderful and
warm.. so kitty purr true..:)

I think i finally
saw the piNk
or the
as it iS
and were…
as Goddess Isis goes too… hehe…;)

Just a thOught bEfore
i swim on.. teacher..
do i get
credit for
two comments..
per Song

Just to prove
i’m not cheating..
sleep paralysis
so does
life in
dead zone way..
but AZ lyrics

you’re exhausting..
as SonGs
and DancEs..
speediE on…;)

Ugh.. oh.. reverse
illuminati with
the upside
and or pyramid..
but it don’t matter
as Golden Spiral Phi
comes up or down
in Ocean
view teRrains..
upon a Sea of Rock..
as Love is written in the pyramid
Triangles too..
as liFE and Existence
in Parallel
fun oF noW
UniVerse moRe..;)

Just dOUble
checked A to
Z.. to see iF
Ophelia, drOwned-in clouds
oF white pink rose
petals.. oF seNsuous
lips and laced
dress is a
a skirt..
of flowRed
beauty pOuting
for love as heArt beAt tOuch..:)

Okay.. this rounds out three at 12 noon..
high wHere breaKfast beComes
Lunch or bRunch..
and sand and sun
dance comes neXt..
all naked of course
with as usual more
information than
you need.. heHE..
and for my tastes
i enjoy
more than
socks.. as naked
toes with pose like
thaT IS A siGn for more to coMe..
Shawna baby.. love ya doll fAce..
and when ever you come.. neXt..
as usual
i’LL be bacK..
you can count
on me.. hehe.. and
now if i can find a Song
Long enough to accompany
all of this..
as oNe
and liGht..
for the heavy
and fun of deep
and laughs of all that is.. now..
tHis.. but most oF aLL i’m LooKinG
forward to see all of what juST came
in FloW
iN ZonE..
oF one
oF Macro-Verse wHole..
RoWinG Ocean PoeM WhOle LongEr2..;)

And that’s like..
totally delicious..
the Google Alogrithm
Hall Monitor just made
me do a captcha to prove
i’M human
doing this
35 times long
on one blog..
cRap.. doesn’t
an algorithm KNoW/FeeL..
that Human Altruism exists..
not likely
that much
these days anymore..
as i say.. see ya later.. finAlly
now more later.. Shawna Babe..;)

My PleaSure.. Shawna Baby and
Micro-Soft Word
4,370 words
as i put almost
a third of
a Macro-Verse
on you today..
for 3 hOurs..
allWays nice to
see you.. FriEnd.. Shawna..
Haha.. when you said you’d
be by in a bit to read the
to you
in reAms
oF all that is..:)


Okay.. quick break here..
and more on Facebook
Provided Macro-Verse
Memories from years
ago to date.. noW
staRting here..
with.. then
3 years ago.. Now..

Back to the Future Freddy..Rainman and Sunshine…

As an eclectic Flow of Art staRts coMing
more in words.. photos.. and music videos
more.. truly tHeRE is no easy way to get better
aT aRT except for practice of creativity..
and that doesn’t come the
way science
does in
study.. Free Association
is key.. to increasing Creativity..
and that means.. not everything one
practices may meet the grade of
symphony.. and it bears
reminding that all
of existence
is tapestry
of ARt..
as the
dARK ParTs
color sHades of
more to come in floWers
not seen or fElT bEfoRe..
and here.. a hint of what will
eventually come in January
of 2014.. in my first foray into
male new age straight renaissance
nude art.. not only for art but for sharing
and giving of what we are core of BeinG too..
for survival of course.. at base is lust of all
our creativity and productivity as science
shows too.. and nah.. i didn’t start out
Dance.. or taKinG photos.. or wriTinG
poEetry or doing nude life in general
free verse.. at best of anything out of anyone
then.. and i still don’t do the competition game..
as the only one i have to please is the God who
lives within me.. free.. to pleasure life as Art more
without restraint of those who would chain God unhappy
within us without a bird to escape the chains of thousands of
years ago.. where no air can reach our sKin of free floW liFE away from
border lies.. walls.. folks build walls.. otHerS give and shARe aLL.. Love
is all that is.. when one becomes Love is all that is bottom line.. Freedom
and Love as Fearless
SaME as BeinG noW fuLLy
aliVe and Free
Be aLive..
as all of star
dust existence
strives to be and
we with gloWinG cheeks
of red.. as blood flows from
top to bottom.. we and all the ‘tween..
So sure.. perHaps in the Nursing home one day
God Forbid if i make it to that place.. i’d rather be
free like my Father and live fully until i die..
but anyWay.. in my mid 50’s.. i can
say and still see/feel how far
i came with 100% Hope
Faith and Belief from
a Dead Zone
fo 66 months
from January
of 2008 through
July end,, near 22nd of 2013..
and then i can go to January and
see how far i went from naked free in 2014..
at stArt.. in a blog titled Free Lance Stripping
that was a satirical name.. that i changed to Free
Verse Nude Poetry.. and set to private as Google
was recommending then and was to enforce in January
of 2015.. they changed their mind and let freedom ring liGht
still naked and trUe.. in public give and share of the greATest
art of Michelangelo and all the greats of God’s greATest form now
of Temple of God in God’s Nature within us as naked free form as
WELL unchained
as we
no shame..
in how we are
born as long as we live
in a culture that makes it
legal.. and fit as ARt..
it is art..
is no
in any human
function or pARt of skIN..
And i’ve come a long way in
that art from age 53 to 56 as
the record clearly shows.. sometimes
buff.. sometimes a little on the heavy side..
but alWays free as we can be as God makes us Nature FREE..:)

Back to the Future Freddy..Rainman and Sunshine…

NaturAlly difficult am i..
a shorter Macro-Verse from
two years ago.. but
still well worth
it to see some
candid Love
photos of our
Big Grey Cat Moby..
as maKing a Truman Show
of LiFe in Blog way has many
Love Memory advantages to reminisce
each year with Facebook Memories along the
way.. juST imagine if someone did this tHeir entire liFe..
sure.. it’s happening with blogs now as we speak in many
forms of art.. they come in.. as difficult as me.. hmm..
not likely but theiRS
for hUman
BeinGS to gRoW
MorE as folks take fuller
advantage of both tHeir
innate human potential and
what technology adds in potential
of BeinG hUman as well as tool.. instead
of weapons of
per se.. as
LoVE oF lIFe..
for mE noW..:)

Naturally difficult am i

Fountain of Youth ROARS

Fountain of Youth ROARS

WeLL.. a photo journey of a family
trip to Ponce De Leon Springs
here and if tHeiR is any
fountain of youth
to roar
it is associated
with the wife.. Katrina’s
Bikini of course.. and yes,,
Shawna babe.. if you come this
far in the future soon.. this is the all
G-Rated butt of Katrina for sure..
as great
as butts
come as
you surely say.. heheR2..;)

Yeah.. as the beginning
photo clearly
one hell
of a Wishbone
to break.. yeah..;)


“Everything is simpler than you think
and at the same time more complex than you imagine.”

~~ Goethe ~~

RuleS OF
ExistS in less
A gRain oF SanD
And moRe beYond
ASUniVerse ‘RouNd..:)

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total oblivion.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me
and turn my inner eye to follow its path.
When the fear is gone, there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.”

~~ The Litany Against Fear ~~

~~ Frank Herbert, “Dune”, 1965 ~~

Fear is
a stress
that kills..
Stress that heals
all change is stress..
All Love iS Great..
for those
A stress
oF Fear..:)

He that feareth is a slave, were he never so rich, were he never so
powerful. But he that is without fear is king of all the world.”

~~ E. R. Eddison, The Worm Ouroboros ~~

Says A Fearless
dude/tte to
A Trumper
and A HiLL
Ary.. aFraid
of only
flesh and blood alive…
To walk naked noW and
WHoLe.. iS to bE A LioN FReED..
oN CouRSe noW..:)

“Because the name is the thing, and the truename is the true thing.
To speak the name is to control the thing.”

~~ Mr. Underhill, The Rule of Names, Ursula K. Le Guin, 1964 ~~

As alWays..
Essence rules
form and tools

“All things are to be examined and called into question.
There are no limits set on thought.”

~~ Rational Bee ~~

rules without

“Down in their hearts, wise men know this truth:
the only way to help yourself is to help others.”

~~ Elbert Hubbard ~~

Yes.. A hUman
aWay from
written language..
collective intelligence..
and complex cultures with
less than 150 to 200 sets oF
eYes wHere naked hUman
NaTure.. once aGain rules tools..noW..
wiTh ShArinG and GiVinG foRAge LiFe..:)

“The best helping hand that you will ever receive
is the one at the end of your own arm.”

~~ Fred Dehner ~~

As mY FriEnd RAfiah..
Once said.. give
A paT
oN thE bacK..:)

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet
and the winds long to play with your hair.”

~~ Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet ~~

Let the air breathe you..
the wind fly you..
the water drink you..
and the River
Ocean wHOle
Paradise oF LiVinG
with no regard to pre-planned
existence now.. FReED @lEast

“Too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL.”

~~ Mae West ~~

Someone nearly
every week tales
me i am too high
and or happy..
i’LL get even hiGher..
happier and FReED..
iN fAct i’LL juST do ThaT noW..:)


Life is a full plate of Breakfast Club..
sadly.. some folks.. choose
and adhere to rigid
roles assigned
by culture
touch the
other Breakfast Foods of life..
the Jock.. the Rebel Bad Boy..
the Outcast who does not belong
anywhere.. the Princess with model looks..
and sure.. the Introvert nerd with a Book and Straight A’s..
and sure in some ways all of these
exist in wE.. the desire
to excel.. to compete
in tribal instinct..
giving up..
in books..
and rebelling
’cause you are sick
and tired of how life life
works.. in your life.. at least..
and all of what can separate and
stratify folks into social cliques for support
of the fire.. desire.. or dark for the
day that comes next..
or even
fearless love
to love it all for only the
sake of being Love.. hmm…
there usually are no peacemakers
in detention.. as diplomacy is most often their
forte.. and sure.. in my case.. i was
most definitely the bookish
nerd in school.. the
perfectionist who
wanted the
social roles too..
just to taste life.. just to
escape fear and anxiety
just to escape the
box of what
i expected
of myself
too much.. as restriction
to be all of what society expected me
to be.. and sure the paternal side expected more
of a young man with three college degrees than to work
at a Bowling Center.. but no matter Love.. or Intellect.. without
a fearless ability to calmly interact with others with success… in
moving.. connecting.. and creating ways.. it’s not so hard to see why
the bookish nerd in the Breakfast Club was willing to end it all after earning
a bad grade or two.. as he had all his eggs to hatch in one basket without the
affordance of one egg going bad out of the whole to spoil his entire FucKinG liFe..
Perfectionist thinking was my downfall in life.. but sure that most always comes
from anxiety and the fear of not being in control of one’s life.. and
just FucKinG letting go.. as some folks can
do.. to breeze through
life without
too many
scare the
joy out of breathe..
breathe.. breathe joy..
dance.. sing.. to FucK with
limits and expectations and worry
over failure.. or why folks FucKinG think
and feel about how you express yourself
originally.. is.. why i dance.. is the adventure that
says.. i will move and yes speak.. a different way
in ways of art i feel and sense.. without a FucKinG rule of School..
and nah.. i cannot speak for anyone else.. nah.. i cannot feel and
sense for anyone else.. as there are many different foods and
drinks on the Breakfast Plate of life.. that i have not
tasted and neither have you.. as of course
each human is a Multi-Universe of
Breakfast food.. with yes
similarities but
no one
else has gone
of course.. WRite on..
Dance and Sing way..
or no Sing and Dance @ALL..
anyway.. as my wife says.. there
is no role that fits me now.. i exceed
all the roles and other human archetypes
she has seen on TV.. and Real LifE too..
and that’s okay.. as if nothing else
i will not be erased from life again..
as the one who
said yes
to all
that others
expected of me..
a horrible limit of
life that is.. a self
imposed detention
of human Freedom..:)


So.. it was Monday Night..
and i dance up to the nice
Pacific Islander Gym Attendant.. Vida..
and also Step-Daughter of one of the long
term Bowling Center patrons of decades i knew
since ’84.. yeah.. the year the Breakfast Club played
first and we had the newest thing in Bowling Alley’s funded
by the Military to support the fighters.. as a VHS
player attached to all the
computer screens over
the lanes.. and by the
way.. the only
reason i got hired
is.. i had a computer class
in college and the monkey wrenches
of the Bowling World were hands on
wrenches visual spatial folks where
the left brain analytical
was not
their forte..
anyway.. we played
the Breakfast club on all
the screens for the patrons.. and
oh God.. i’ve seen that movie way too
many times as somewhat of an icon
fixed in my brain.. so anyway.. i dance
up to Vida and say in generalized terms..
you know there are two ways of life..
however i did not tale her one
is common and one
is fairly rare..
as to
not make
the answer seem so
hard to get one from her..
and she says the most common
one that is yes.. right and wrong and
then i go on to say.. nah.. there are few
moral absolutes.. cross culturally.. easy to see
for one who studies social science and anthropology
and they are the taboos of sexually abusing children and
incest of course.. and i went further to say.. when Innate human
nature is repressed as in the case of countries where men and women
are not allowed to touch.. other than family members until marriage age..
the results can be as horrific in perversion away from human nature
as Arabian physician clinical studies that suggest 60 to 80 percent
of little girls from age 3 to 6 in homes are sexually abused
by either a close family member that ironically
society allows a member of the opposite
sex to touch.. or an intimate
family friend
of the
as such..
so i say nah.. what
i came to say.. is.. there are
the spectators of life.. and they
are minion.. and then there are the
ones who act.. produce.. and direct their
own plays of life that others most often follow..
and i say then.. but you know Vida.. things are
perhaps changing a little for the better through artful
creative leaning social media outlets where folks become
individuals instead of more as the group think of the spectators
of what other folks do in tribal leaning and following ways.. you know..
like folks who sit and watch sports instead of getting out to act and
produce and direct their own game of life too.. and nah.. it’s
no wonder it’s rare.. as rarely is someone out
in the wild supported by going their
own way.. unless their own
way is copied
of course
no one will
copy me.. as not even
i copy me.. i act and produce
and direct my play by heARt.. and
heARt continuously feels and senses different..
somedays i move to the left.. and some days i move
to the wRite.. yes in both steps and words.. but all days
i wRite and MoVe and Speak a little different
as that is what Nature does..
every free action
and consequence
of Nature.. IS A free Dance
and Song that has no script
set in stone.. it doesn’t take a rocket
scientist to figure that out.. who spends their
time replicating observable phenomenon.. all
it takes is to watch a feather float through the air
at least resistance and most movement to winds of change..
iN Dance And Song oF Multi-UniVersal liFe.. and nah.. i ain’t
gonna make it back to dVerse for any of their regularly scheduled
poetry prompts.. for this Dance Song.. now at 9:11 am on the Equinox
day.. Shawna.. was the free dance and song of poetry that was so fitting
for this 6000 mile celebration of free verse dance everywhere i have gone
in public now for three years.. off the cuff of the traveled path..
on the Wing
of God
iN mE.. i DancE
and SinG.. A Feather Speaks..
in Forrest Gump talk @lEASt..;)

Yeah.. and poetry concrete
heads.. yA can call that a
Giant Fredbun.. with the last
three lines as Fredku.. to replace
your Oriental Haibun and Haiku..
FucKing American Style.. Native
as such in
as sure.. i aM2
hUman and i2
can SinG tribal too..
as any free moNkey..
can and STiLL WilL do..;)


To once again..
become an Instrument
of Art and Love.. for the
Nature oF God as wE..
A Device
instead of strife..
Lord kNows.. by the time i
ended 32 years or so of work..
including 25 years of Federal
Government Service.. and
before that it was.. yes..
Archaeology Research
Associate.. Book Store
Stocking Clerk.. and
Janitor for
6 long
years in combo
with the other two
part time jobs for a
short stint too.. during
6 years of College supporting
a diet that consisted of Peanut
Butter Sandwiches to afford school
for that long and the three college
degrees of Social Sciences Interdisciplinary..
Health Science and Anthropology as preparation
for a much longer trial and error study of the human
condition starting at a Military Bowling Center for almost
two decades.. ending as Manager there.. Administrative
Support Assistant for a Captain of the NAS Pensacola
Navy Station for three months during reductions
and reassignments of Force.. and
back to Community Activities
Director and finally
Director thaT
i retired early
after 25 years
of service with
a synergy of 19 medical
disorders life threatening
as such in total.. particularly
the suicide disease.. type two
Trigeminal Neuralgia.. from wake
to sleep.. losing effective use of my
eyesight and hearing for 66 months with
this dentist drill-like pain with no novocain
for what science assesses as a pain worse now
than crucifixion.. yes.. the worst understood pain
now of humankind in empirical understood ways.. of
science yet.. in the literature on this i have read so
far.. of course.. some folks call it Sluder’s Headache
and other’s call it a generalized term as atypical
facepain.. as sure hell is atypical for those
who have not experienced it
first face as it
were for
me for
66 months..
along with Dysautonomia..
where blood pressure and heart
rate would no long synch.. making
me faint most all hours of the day
and my heart would speed so fast
to get the blood to my brain.. when
attempting to fall asleep.. that i could not
sleep.. but only 1 hour each of 35 days then
as start of hell in 2008.. and none for the
last 5 of 40 during the lent spring period
of 2008.. and that hour of very shallow
cardboard sleep the first 35 days was
only allowed by a powerful alpha
blocker slowing my heart
down enough
to do
from the hell of the
face pain.. plus my eyes
quit making tears.. for the
autoimmune disorder named too..
Sjogren’s Syndrome.. along with
Fibromyalgia pain from head to toe..
Spinal Stenosis and Severe Degenerative
Arthritis pain along with coat hanger pain
in shoulders and neck associated with
Dysautonomia.. too.. rounding out
a full plate of hell starting
at age 47 all the
way through
age 53..
as the
phoenix oF Y i..
rose again.. on the
Beach of the week end of
July 22nd 2013.. yeah.. so happy
to say bye to beyond ashes of fire
i was then.. and hmm.. i guess too..
i thought the Asperger’s Syndrome..
and not speaking until i was age
4 and stuttering my way and not
always making sense when i talked..
making straight A’s.. as my rote memory
for multiple choice tests.. that was basically
the only test given in those days.. was extreme..
and i still can play movies in my head of my entire
life now.. sure.. that seemed like a challenge along
with my androgynous morphological look that brought
me guesses of can i help you Miss.. around age 12 or
so at McDonalds before i hit puberty.. and suddenly
found some facial hair to accompany the pretty
long eyelashes and green to blue eyes..
and long blonde hair as such in
the still somewhat hippy
days of the
hip hugger
male pants of
the 70’s flower
bus Partridge Family
and Brady Bunch Days then..
and sure i dream of Jeanie’s hidden
belly button.. praying for a porn magazine
to fall from the sky to learn something about
sex.. all hidden from me until age 16-18.. too..
those were the days.. of sure.. challenge
too.. and sure.. i got a weight set..
as ‘they’ told me i was not
worth it for this world..
did not deserve
to survive
as weak
and androgynous
looking boy back then..
in my somewhat red state
still patriarchal fundamentalist
most churches then per square mile
town too.. i suppose i owe much of the
freedom of my success now.. to the first
fish in the Aquarium who told the weak looking
fish of me i did not deserve to live then as they
continually were nipping at my gills.. and that can
be A worst torture oF all.. no different really than
the young homosexual children in the Catholic Church
who sit quietly and obediently as the Priest continually
says.. well.. love the sinner.. hate the sin of what they
do as gifted by god as different as human nature
does.. you are good enough to be here..
but not good enough for a sacrament
of marriage for the monogamous
same sex person you love..
good cop.. bad cop
Jesus sings now
from the
pulpit true
and yes..
false too
as cognitive dissonance
reigns still in the hypocrisies
of even the biggest most well organized
so-called Christian Church in the world.. that
sings songs that still stay gentile.. jew.. servant
or free.. woman or man no more.. except for the.. ugh..
fine print at the end of the labyrinth contract in hell
of church you must sign to be part of the
ongoing social accepted group
of limitations as terms
so finely
below too..
and don’t forget..
the 10 commandments that
say honor thy mother and father
until you get to Luke 17.. where it says
to follow me.. ya gotta hate the ways of your
Mommy.. Daddy.. and Brother and Sister.. and
children too.. if you are lucky enough to figure out
that part of the metaphor as of course it literally says
you must hate your mother.. father.. sister.. brother
and children to follow what i teach.. and pick up
a stick/sword of hate too.. to come along with me..
is it any wonder.. Christian Churches
are closing doors on Sunday
Nights and Wednesday
Nights across the
nation now..
no.. of course it isn’t
we have this thing named
as the Internet now.. that exposes
all the cognitive dissonance as what they
are.. hypocritical lies that make no FucKinG
Human decency sense at all.. as far as fearless
Unconditional Love goes.. as my fingers powered
by a holy spirit Now of fearless unconditional love
speed way past the theme song now.. as God oF Nature
empowers me within.. to spread fearless love in
liGht and TrUth way.. with sure.. even the
limited empirical tool of modern
science to FucKinG back
me uP as i continue
and you may aS weLL
too.. iF yoU SeeK iN God too..
and hell yes that includes the
science of God’s Nature too..
to cut the bullshit in out too..
for all the thousands of years..
of psychopathic leaning and or
ignorant leaning folks who strive to
control and subjugate others.. repressing
and oppressing human nature.. for selfish
material gains and reproductive control as such
too.. so yeah.. sure.. it’s now for the Katy Perry
inspiring SonG Rise again.. as yes i rise
again.. and do more than i ever did
before.. as i simply can and
WiLL with the gift of
relative free will
from the God
oF Nature
that makes
it possible
for me to
act.. produce
and co-direct my
own true will with the
will of God’s Nature in
Human nature i.. too.. and sure..
the ability to do this in iSREAL liFE now..
still in a New Jerusalem-like Red state town
of Milton.. Florida sTiLL too.. so yeah.. God Bless
America.. ’cause here’s the thing.. a Good Cop Jesus
like me and oTherS.. can eXpreSS miNd and Body BaLanCinG
of SoUL.. through Holy SpiRit.. and Free heARt too.. moVinG..
conNecting. and CreaTinG all Free noW.. so TruE and lighT iSREAL2..:)

And yes.. ending this 705th Macro Verse now..
with Katy Perry and rise.. and hell no..
i won’t just survive.. i thrive.. and
i am writing my story now.. so
far beyond the archetype of
before.. that you
may not even
see or
feel all
of me now..
and i continue
to rise hiGher and
HiGher now with transformation
through 100% hope.. faith and belief
and an unlimited other number of nuances
of human emotions and senses that you may
not feel and sense now.. as there are no
limits or expectations of human potential
when the angel i oF Y i becomes sAMe noW as
wE in liGht iN liGht yes iSREAL illuminati
as God given HUman potenTially more fully
Apollo and Lucifer realized with both
right and left hands of God myths
as vehicles and vessels housing
fully in play alive as
we act and
and co-create
directing with
God our owN
FucKinG plaYs
of Life.. nah..
shouldn’t have been
a surprise.. i alWays
cAMe up smelling like a rose
like my co-employee Dolores said
at the Bowling Center then.. no matter
how far the tar oil bird of hell i got myself
into in the future too.. from then.. as not well @aLL..
separated from the interrelating.. interconnecting Force
of God of all that is.. as gifted to us.. through emotions
and senses that allow us to feel and give the highest power of
Love to us and others same as Golden Rule that never consumes
others further than food or drink.. of nature required to
Serpent Brain Senses live.. with limbic of emotions and
neocortical of reason as trinity of mINd and
BoDy BaLancing soUL realized hiGher and
Higher RiSinG as hUman God given
potential now.. with all
of the extension
of God given
technology that
assists for positive
stress named change
for trUth and liGht too..
i AM jUSt a messenger of
DancE and SonG as Myth and
iSREAL no different really and
different in archetype way of bEfore too..
it doesn’t matter if you listen to me or not
as the anonymous voices of God all across global
online are legion now.. in both dARk and liGht.. and
all the colors and sHades of grey and black that exist
in liGht and dArk colors now.. of HUman Rainbow beyond
and less liFe STiLL.. and sure.. i can do a manifesto of
liGht every day.. every now.. for the reaSon and
FeeLinG and sensing of Human Potential
Gifted by
and this is just
another sTart of
anoThEr Holy
and Sacred
R and R
by me and
God too.. we
literally rise..
sure.. in more
ways than one.. as
above.. so below..
inside.. outside..
all around.. the trUths
and liGhts are no longer
hidden they are in plain
site for those with eYes
and eArs to see and
and liGht Now
illuminati iSREAL Shines..
aS God’s eYes of Wisdom as wE noW..:)

So.. my 127th week of Dancing with all the
cool college age folks.. coming tonight..
Thursday night.. with more fun
dancing photos coming to the
current Macro-Verse
around 3 am on
Friday morn..
6000 miles
of public
dance in
three years..
and continuing on
in the longest long
form poem ever.. as 42
months plus now sings..
in 3.3 million words
plus in the 36
month old
as ‘SonG oF MY
SoUL’2.. so
yes.. as alWays
be back aGain later..
with more to come.. oN Course.. noW..
as i continue to rise with no limits.. Now.. FReED..:)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)


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About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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20 Responses to 6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

  1. No More HeadLines

    No More scheduLed
    Poetic Prompts

    A Facebook Algorithm
    provided memory from
    a year ago above.. and..
    below.. After MaKinG the
    Fredline.. of over 3.3 million
    words for Longest Long Form Poem
    in history of Humankind in 36 months
    and witness for God in around that many
    number of words plus.. in 6 months longer of blogging
    public whole for 42 months from 3/13 through
    9/16 and 3 years of Dance Walking a martial
    arts and ballet-like free verse style..
    Dance too.. in all of public stores
    and places i go.. by the
    Fall Equinox 2016.. to
    document that
    in Longest
    Long Form
    Poem Free Verse
    style and continuing
    Witness for God.. perHaps
    i need a vacation.. nah.. no..
    just no more deadlines.. free verse
    from noW on.. and after documenting
    too.. a total of 400+ photos in that
    PAN FReED Dancer record
    MacroVerse of over 1000
    smiling dancing
    women friends
    in combo
    with the
    from Good
    Old Seville
    Quarter of which
    around 350 photos are
    in just the last 6 month record
    of that since the Spring Equinox
    of 2016.. i’LL have to do another Macro
    Verse to document those photos come Spring
    Equinox of 2017.. as the blogger blogs that
    house that record almost said balk for the length
    of what i recorded of that complete for 6 months
    of dance smile records to date.. so now.. at
    9:18 pm.. i can give this a break while
    i Marathon Dance with all the cool
    college age folks at Good
    Old Seville Quarter..
    and nah.. no
    thanks needed..
    scores of smiles
    at Old Seville..
    will be enough
    for me.. juST for
    the dAnce oF i AM noW..:)

    “The old appeals to racial, sexual, religious chauvinism
    to rabid nationalist fervor are beginning not to work.
    A new consciousness is developing which sees the
    earth as a single organism, and recognizes t
    hat an organism at war with itself is
    doomed. We are One Planet.”

    – Carl Sagan

    “A human being is part of the whole
    called by us universe , a part limited in
    time and space. We experience ourselves, our
    thoughts and feelings as something separate from
    the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness.
    This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us
    to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons
    nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the
    prison by widening our circle of compassion to
    embrace all living creatures and the
    whole of nature in its beauty…
    We shall require a
    new manner
    of thinking
    if mankind is to survive.”

    – Albert Einstein

    Taking IT to the Streets of FALL

    Now as i come back to this Micro-Verse
    of 706th Macro-Verse that will be titLed
    After Dance oF Fred.. yeah.. jUst another
    two Macro-Verse Titles to come in the signature
    line of each coming Macro-Verse.. for an overall
    taste of what i do in this Ocean Whole Poem.. juST
    in case anyone gives a FucK.. as trUly.. why should they..
    liFe moves fast.. i’M heAr to hELp but hey.. if one even
    can hELp themselves in finding God within that’s quiET an
    accomplishment on tHeiR own.. but hey.. as far as i can see and
    feel.. sure.. i could juSt hang out at the beach and dance and sing
    and sip on crystal fresh water and salt breeze.. but to truly experience
    Heaven now.. one muSt give and share all they have to do.. as without giving
    and sharing.. we lose our humanity.. as that is what any social animal does..
    with more than
    half a brain
    for mechanical
    cognition only..
    away from the social
    cognition in empathy
    and compassion.. and other
    pro-social emoTions that FEELS
    not only are wE as hUmans in this
    game toGetHer.. in fAct.. SAYS.. wE hUmaNS
    ARE TOTALLY BLESSED to see the Interdependent
    Interrelating all that is of God living as the
    entire planet as well as the rest of Nature and
    all that is unseen and unfelt too.. depending on
    how big yoUr God eYes and ears are to perceive more
    of this real thingie that is GoD noW iSREAL for REAL..
    nah.. not a man in a book.. nah.. not a book.. not
    some words.. but the essence of all that is.. that
    includes forms of course but forms never tale the
    entire God story of essence that iSREAL noW.. whether
    we see and feel this essence or not.. in all seNses and
    EmoTioNs that once aGain.. some folks feel more or less depending
    on how blessed or sometimes cursed they are depending on how you
    see and feel the liGht of the gifts you have.. that can be perceived
    differently by each individual depending on an almost infinite number
    of innate and environmental factors.. but here’s the thing.. for those who
    can now find peace and harmony in MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL WiTh heARt
    expreSsinG EMoTions SenSEs.. as SpiRit as whOle hUmaniTy reBorn iN We..
    somenows it is as simple as a free naked dance with sun and sand..
    letting go of the mechanical cognition and becoming the air
    and the water aGain as winds and waves and ocean whole
    become reborn as wE again.. nah.. not
    just dunking your head
    in some frigging
    your baby in
    a lite version
    of this with the
    baby screaming.. what
    the fuck.. i thought you loved
    me.. now you are pouring water on
    my head.. and FucKinG Laughing at
    me in this big Temple Catholic Church
    that’s culture for you.. female genital mutilation
    in some countries.. a 20 Percent member discount
    of same on males in our countries and even more
    iN other countries.. and water boarding babies
    lite in Catholic Church to scare
    the beejezus out of them..
    instead of making
    them slippery
    as oil
    to get
    away from
    any devil but
    fucking you who are..
    water boarding babies lite..
    shortly after birth along with
    mutilating their penises too.. ugh..
    is it no wonder.. the real definition of
    Greek Apocalypse in original way of lifting
    the veils of ignorance failed to reach the minions
    of life.. well no.. as human beings.. with their tribal
    instincts and need to fit into whatever the cultural rules
    are and no matter how truly fucking insane they are away
    from common human decency.. humans will do it to avoid
    outcast status from the social group aS in the
    evolution of human away from grocery
    stores and stuff like that
    outcast status
    and death.. when
    no longer are apes
    working toGeThER to
    be stronger toGeThER now..
    and hell.. yes/no.. i’m sorry
    iF the trUth and liGht can hurt..
    but i came first to lift the veils
    of ignorance from my eYes too.. and i
    juST share as i go along.. and if you don’t
    like it.. don’t like it.. hehe.. as i came for the
    real definition of Apocalypse and not to fucking blow
    the world up.. in a fiery end or such crap load as that..
    hmm.. anyway.. build iT and he will come.. the only person that
    i can guarantee will come is me.. and if you build it with enough
    effort and perseverance and focus.. perhaps you will find God within too..
    as Lord NO’s no church ever did it for me.. it was too easy for me to find
    the hypocrisies from the start.. making God into one human over my bed and taling
    me Santa Claus was real too.. myths serve a purpose.. they hyperbole as message and
    vehicle and vessel in housing trUths and liGhts that are iSREAL.. fAct of the matter
    is.. if there were not myths of old time religions.. the core trUths and liGhts would
    have never made it in oral tradition in the first place.. as it is the emotive
    power of the hyperbole.. no less than marketing 101 to reach a target
    audience that seals the emotive glue of mind
    and body emotions to remember the
    cores of trUth and liGht too..
    but sadly folks..
    many.. at least..
    have lost
    the trUth and
    liGht messAges of the
    golden rule in harming
    no other beyond consuming
    nature for needed food and drink..
    and shelter.. to taking more than giving
    and dominating the earth in destructive ways
    for other species that are dying off as we speak..
    including even the Bee who is responsible for so
    much of what we can even eat in agricultural
    ways or even foraging/picking berries to eat..
    yeah.. kill the birds and the
    bees and you humans
    are basically
    don’t get
    me started on
    melting icecaps..
    as i live inland enough
    in a high place not to worry
    about that.. but the ocean is rising
    faster and faster than even forecast before..
    and the same people who kill for trophies are
    the one’s who will tale ya.. humans aren’t killing
    the earth.. in generalized Trump ways of course..
    with trophy wives
    those who
    suggest that
    music and dance
    are evil and end up
    repressing and oppressing
    human nature.. taling their populaces
    that the opposite sexes cannot hold each
    others hands.. until marriage.. and then
    the Arabian clinician studies suggest
    60 to 80 percent of 3 to 6 year
    old little girls in that
    country are
    exposed to
    and performing
    fellatio on family
    members by raping force..
    and additionally intimate
    so-called friends of family
    too.. who get access to the
    family home/girls.. this lifting
    the veils of ignorance
    away from lies
    our God
    nature.. has
    a long way to
    go to meet the
    original definition
    of Apocalypse.. a long long
    long way to go.. we are very fortunate
    in America to build it in fields of dreams
    to find God within.. and live free again in
    the Heaven of now as Kingdom of God
    free.. come now.. but nah..
    even folks here..
    still live
    under controls
    illusory fears
    and empty promises..
    of subjugating and
    controlling human nature
    freedoms.. and it is the rule
    of law in many other countries.. away
    from human God Given Nature that is responsible
    for so much of the conflicts we see in the world today..
    but how to stray.. how to escape the lies of ignorance of
    the past.. it ain’t easy.. and it is gonna take a lot more than
    one 42 month witness for God in words of 3.3 million and more to
    get this.. beyond herculean.. superman.. and batman effort done..
    i can lift me..
    even with 6000
    miles of public
    dance that lifts
    some other folks
    uP in the wild now..
    but i cannot even
    lift my wife..full.. as she
    cannot escape all the lies
    of indoctrination of illusory
    fears of her life.. at the
    hands of ignorance
    but tHeir
    are those outcasts
    like me from a young
    age who were lucky as they
    learned to live without the
    approval of the minions of folks
    who truly follow what could be described
    as despicable leaders.. who would rape
    and pillage the spoils of war..
    and build
    to keep
    people from
    seeking freedom
    the best they can
    away from walls of the
    past of rules that bring
    humans down.. away from God
    given human iNnate Nature now..
    so sure as the Without Me Version
    of M and M.. stated before.. i am only
    shady.. a shadow of what you could be too..
    if you build a dream and find God within..
    and these two quotes from Taking IT to the
    Streets of FALL are well worth repeating
    along with the song that goes
    with this..

    Fountain of Love ROARS

    Love Roars.. truly it does..
    when one is bullied.. and
    even outcast.. and comes back
    with eYes of Love.. instead of
    swords of vengeance.. as Hate..
    sure even the hate that is still left
    in the Constantine Bible of the 4th Century
    in Roman Catholic way.. where still in the Gospel
    of Luke.. Chapter 14:26.. promoting hate against even
    parents.. husband and wife.. and children is the way
    to follow the love of liGht.. what a FucKinG oxymoron
    that is that minions silently follow for thousands of
    ears with no questions of dissent.. as same as always..
    when they say all is liGht and no word can be changed..
    dARk is surely
    the Devil
    who lives within..
    whoever wrote that was
    a heartless zealot.. sure.. there
    are zealots with heart and those without
    heart.. but people who develop cognitive empathy
    with the feeling affective part.. understand the roots
    of ignorance run as deep in hate.. anger.. and fear as the roots of
    love in hope and joy.. and those are killing words.. the same killing
    words that will still be taken literally and fundamentally in the Koran
    too.. as sword to kill in tribal instinct way away from the
    Golden rule who is capable
    of even Loving
    the enemy
    empathy too..
    understanding that the
    bully is the one who was most
    oft bullied before.. the sad eyed
    Muslim girl was often molested in the
    home by family members as clinical studies
    in Arabia show.. who cannot utter a word of
    truth and light of disgust and despair of the
    rape of hating not loving eyes of family members
    who would use flesh as a tool away from heart
    to fill a soul
    that has
    no heart
    of love
    and pulsing
    satiation of
    selfish and
    ends away from
    love.. and if you don’t
    think and feel God is pissed..
    perhaps you cannot hear the cries..
    well.. i can.. i’ve been hearing them
    for a long time now.. since i was born..
    aGain.. let’s just say.. and others can hear
    these cries too.. even if you
    think you
    the sad
    eyes of these
    women.. up.. God hEars
    in the empath compassion
    of human ears.. that go
    much deeper
    than flesh..
    my friends
    but trust me..
    perHaps you haven’t
    felt it or seen it
    yet BUT LOVE ROARS..
    FREE AND NOW..:)

  2. The Facebook Video Slide Assistant does an excellent job of providing
    an avenue to present my Dance photos from Thursday Night
    in a comprehensive and somewhat brevity flow..
    with even inspirational music
    too.. but yeah..
    choices needed
    as that theme song
    is kinda getting old..
    but anyway.. photos ranging
    from the “After Dance oF Fred”..
    as this titled 706th Macro-Verse
    WiLL SinG.. a photo of
    a healthy
    briar on
    the top of
    of an iMac
    Notebook Computer
    square in the core of
    Apple symbol2..
    with a bite
    or without
    a bite
    the Apocalypse
    of lifting the veils of
    ignorance.. i SinG iN
    WoRds of PoEtry.. i DanCE
    and i Move on.. and sure.. no more
    deadlines.. to meet that i kNow of
    now.. but sure.. with FeeLinGS.. Milestones
    will alWays arrive anew.. and i WiLL report
    them in documenting way with the help of all
    Apple gear
    too.. but sure..
    with 12 million written
    words coming on the milestone
    of Thanks Giving day of 2016.. that
    in all likely hood has arrived now.. as
    11 million words was the tally last year.. and
    i am writing on average.. as easily empirically
    counted now in 30K+ words a week.. that makes
    over 1.5 million words a year.. and 120K words in
    just 4 weeks.. or the equivalent per se.. of three Novels
    of Poetry per month now.. as that comes and goes in
    written way.. additionally all the nice dance girls of
    last night too.. my FB profile photo.. a dance photo
    of a ballet student and her smiling friend too..
    still under age 21.. somewhere between
    18 and that number to drink
    in bars now2.. but not
    likely she will..
    when she
    gets that
    age as
    this girl
    is naturally
    high with the force
    of dance free as a way of life..
    in miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG..
    in poise and grace.. and that reminds
    me of last week at Starbucks when i was
    dancing my smooth steps in that place..
    a nice other mall employee from
    another place said.. i wish
    i could be as light
    on my feet as
    he.. is..
    and of course
    my wife looks much
    more like a dance student
    and accomplished dancer from
    head to toe than Arnold looking
    me.. all square and moving curved
    at 230 or so pounds now..
    and people
    have said
    that before..
    wow.. if you can
    dance like that i can
    only imagine how great
    your wife can dance with
    that body over tHeir.. all lean
    and shapely fit in legs ways too..
    she could.. if she could lose the fear..
    i never thought or even would have imagined
    the stiff of me could break out in poise and grace now..
    but it’s NOT imagining your dreams and just doing them
    after that.. that make dreams NeVER come to fruition…
    Believe.. imagine.. hope.. have faith and just FEARLESS
    do it.. human potential is amazing
    if i can do all i can do..
    with all the demons
    i have had to defeat..
    perhaps you need
    a few demons
    kick your
    ass up to heaven too..
    aLL the DArk in my LifE
    Has led to all the liGht i am NOW..
    never discount the power of the dARk ForCe noW2..;)

    Yes..i still GET around

    An 18 year old photo of my wife
    hEAr.. and a 44 year old photo
    of her from 2014.. and
    sure.. yesterday..
    i shared one
    at age
    45 too…
    the bottom
    common dominator
    is.. she is a woman who
    gets more beautiful with age..
    like a fine wine.. per se.. who does
    not drink either.. hehe.. and nah.. she
    doesn’t smoke.. and she kinda chills out
    and watches TV.. and escapes stress too..
    so perhaps that IS A secret
    of her fountain of youth
    being loved
    as much as i can
    love someone with
    never fearing losing that
    love.. probably saves some
    mileage on worry too.. as obviously
    i am trust worthy.. huh.. with all those smiles
    of pretty dance girls who can’t possibly match the
    beauty of Goddess Isis.. also known
    and felt as Katrina too.. mother..
    wife.. sister.. all in one..
    yeah.. put
    pieces of
    me back toGeTheR..
    after all the pieces were
    scattered apart.. more than
    just a looker.. the essence of
    that myth.. has come to fruition
    in the new age of noW as alWays
    noW as WeLL as prophecies
    are archetypal in human
    way and often
    come true
    in oft
    varied ways
    of same and different
    too.. so sure.. for now..
    you can call me Osiris2..
    too.. been to the underworld..
    and can tale ya what it’s like..
    can steer you out of death in life..
    but only if you can hear.. can feel
    and can see what i say.. hEar now..
    and more great Beach photos from
    Navarre Beach from two year ago too..
    in this Macro-Verse .. but sure.. the best pArts
    aS oNe of the greatest muse of my Ocean Whole
    Poem.. is Katrina of course.. as she and Yellow ‘Sphinx’
    Boy and Moby Cat of past.. are the stars who ‘sOld’ the show.. iSREAL2..:)

    Yes..wE stiLL gET aRound2..;)

    Rosalinda’s Eyes

    And hEar is Rosalinda’s eYes from a year ago.. but
    as oft happens.. the Music shared from A YouTube
    Version of this Billy Joel Song
    has gone the
    video way
    of old songs.. i’ll find another
    version and sure share it aGain..
    so in honor of Rosalinda’s eYes..
    a Song that reminds me of my first
    Love.. Cuban Girl Friend Sonia..
    who was a mix of Irish too.. like
    me.. although back in that day..
    i hadn’t actually heard from
    my Irish ancestors to
    even verify that
    My Grandfather’s
    mother and he were
    both actually born in
    Ireland.. on paternal
    side.. and sure.. my Grandmother
    was Cajun on that Hispanic leaning
    French Paternal side too.. so me and
    the Sonia had much in common.. even in
    numerology way.. as both our year birthday’s
    06061960 for 28 to 10 to 1 and 07021963 for
    28 to 10 to 1 and nah.. don’t discount numerology..
    came out to number one.. and as synchronicity
    would have it2.. she bought me A gold chain that
    had number one on it2.. with all her Babe perfume
    that i can still smell now.. and while i call my wife sugar
    now.. Sonia’s name was babe to me.. and that was her
    name for me2.. as the memories and a few tears
    still sing through everynow.. i reAlly remember
    Rosalinda’s eYes.. but it’s so weird..
    deep down.. somewhere i knew/fELt
    i was looking for someone
    who looked like Sonia..
    and as the photos
    show of the
    girl in the blue
    Homecoming dress..
    with mind blowing body figure
    too.. she was the precursor to Katrina..
    almost like a sign of what would still come
    as heaven even more.. as surely the little frail
    nerd boy i am was back then.. was blessed with
    the beauty of women.. that would amaze most
    men.. to make me the luckiest man who ever
    FucKinG walked on the EARth.. and sure
    they say the nice guys finish
    last… nah.. they are
    just patient until
    Angel eYes
    who make
    tHeir way..
    and sure.. a couple other
    girls from then are in this
    photo collage i have shared
    many times before.. that i scanned
    that helped to bring emotions back
    from lost loves before.. including Uncle
    Ed who died way back when.. who wasn’t
    even an Uncle at all in childhood as Grandmother’s Friend
    on Maternal side then.. on the river front home.. and
    Charlie my dog in middle school who was my mostly
    only friend out of outcast life of what they named
    as skank boy then.. at school.. among
    other names that said
    you do not
    to live
    yeah.. i saw
    him on the side
    of the road one day
    coming home on the
    middle school hell bus then…
    where Vickie taunted me saying
    look.. he’s got eyes lashes like a girl..
    they are so pretty and long.. laughing
    all the way.. but truly upset as her eyes
    were not nearly as pretty as mine.. heheR..
    yeah.. life is funny like that… when people get
    mad at other folks for having something they
    don’t have deep down.. and for me mostly
    it was the smile on my
    face that they
    erased for
    a while then..
    and straight A’s
    but SMiLes cAMe
    back as Love roars
    once aGaIn isReaL..
    Yeah.. Rosalinda’s eYes
    are quite a muse huh.. and if
    you are out tHere somewhere
    listening.. Sonia.. if you could ever
    keep up with what i do now.. as i know
    you have visited at least once before by
    way of your daughter a couple of years before..
    i owe part of regaining my heart back from that
    hurt before.. as muse of emotion both dARk and liGht
    for tears that brought me back from the photos of that
    love that hurt so much to lose then.. but i can finally feel
    that warm and fuzzy in hugs that went away for so long
    good bye..
    and the puppy
    in me died.. so far
    so far.. in warm and fuzzies
    that finally live again as Babe..
    and yeah.. there is Michelle in
    a Prom picture too.. inviting me
    at she.. age 17 after a short
    date or so
    at age
    16 the
    before.. after
    Sonia.. to make
    her high school boy
    friend a little jealous
    for the next day date with
    him.. but hey.. it was nice
    to go anywhere then.. truly
    wanted for all of who i was
    or not.. and Renee in the
    center.. a friend who
    stayed by
    my side
    in letters
    and phone
    call ways in
    some of the
    darkest days in
    college then.. so
    troubled with a father
    who sexually abused her..
    and finally ending her life with
    a revolver in her father’s bed
    with a loving husband and two children
    in her twenties then.. oh the dARk and liGht
    webs we weave.. so many destinations of
    hell and
    they go
    in iSREAL liFE noW
    bottom line NoW counts..
    then and NoW in what
    we are evolving
    and uP..
    and i remember
    Renee saying one time
    nothing could possibly
    happen to you..
    you are
    and you would
    never deserve some
    one like me to hurt you..
    and i remember years after
    she killed herself.. her father
    walked in to the Bowling Center
    where i worked.. shortly after that
    he died in a motor-cycle accident..
    from what i heard.. just a really ugly
    man who consumed his daughter’s beauty
    out in death….
    yeah.. i remember
    Renee’s eYes too.. and
    i see them still around the
    world and they make me very
    angry.. spitting nails angry..
    but nah..
    i will NOT..
    to a gun
    or sword
    or even vengeance..
    i WiLL win WiTH Love
    of the Fearless KinD..
    as i always have and
    always will by the will
    of God in relative way
    as ME
    as LION iSREaL.. LoVE..
    mArk mY FucKinG words..
    iF yoU SeeK iN God as i do2..:)

  3. https://lifeconfusions.wordpress.com/2016/09/23/a-quest-of-you/

    SMiLes.. my friEnd
    Zee.. we stArt as
    seeds.. as
    gRains of
    potential to
    become love
    as we love our selves
    and others same.. the first
    step is truly Loving God within
    with all youR HeARt of EmoTiOns
    and SeNses aS liGht iN Positivity..
    tolerating and accepting
    sAme God FeeLinG
    dArk as not
    so well..
    what we can
    to liGht morE..
    as nows go by..
    as the grains become
    sand as the water of Love
    becomes silt.. same as original
    name of God too as Lahmu and
    Lahamn too.. as i always
    have to refer to
    a History
    of God
    on page
    8 by Karen
    Armstrong.. to
    remember how to
    spell those names that
    oddly enough are like my
    real last name too that is just
    another name for land holder too..
    in Feudal German way for the ‘owner’ as such..
    too.. as sure.. just synchronicity and coincidence
    too.. as spelled in reverse my name sounds a lot
    like name hell too.. except it it ends in EL that way
    that is another name for God too.. so sure..
    perhaps i have an inside
    line in
    too.. hehe..
    for liGht and truTh..
    inborn as such as well
    all do when we open our
    heARts.. our MiNd and BoDy
    BaLanCing SoUls wiTh SpiRit
    riSinG hiGher in positivity of
    EmoTioNs and SeNses too..
    so do not be ashamed
    for as you say
    up there..
    in self love way..
    as the other side of that
    is the timid soul who never
    loves self or has the power of
    self love to bring love up in the
    empty grains of love that can
    be the tunnel of
    iN Love
    of otHeRs too..
    PoEtry and DancE and
    SonG and aLL otHeR arTS
    of heARt is how we grow
    A muscle of Love.. wriTing
    A SonG of YouR SoUL.. and
    you my friEnd.. will help build other mountains
    too.. where a heARt replaces.. for a way to love
    a tunnel
    of dArkness.. from Before..
    in oTheR words.. my friEnd
    Zee.. BeCoMe the Love you dREam
    of.. BeCoMe the Lover you desire..
    Be Free..
    Love ALL..
    SinG and DancE Long..
    A SonG oF liGht liFE.. mY FriEnd.. Zee..:)

  4. Bales and bales of balderdash….

    “We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.”

    ~~ Kahlil Gibran ~~

    i take
    of literally
    and when all oF
    it becomes holy
    and sacred as an
    emotion of essence
    and hell no.. no book
    or words as empty shells
    of nothing but believe what
    i say or else.. or get the
    gold pot
    at the
    end of
    the rainbow
    that never
    comes in
    6 foot
    thaT iSREAL
    noW for those
    who liVe Beauty iSREaL..
    a Tree of liFE that breatheS now..
    with roots that run deep as iSREAL2..:)

    “The man who believes he can do it is probably right.”

    ~~ Helvetius ~~

    Doing requires
    no words..
    with symbols
    that become
    iNtent of positive
    liGht in form aS WeLL..
    bottom line sTill.. just do it
    or it
    get doNe..
    A Science
    of art and Art of science
    of doing nothing at
    all or all of nothing..

    “In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then
    to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.”

    ~~ Bertrand Russell (1872-1967) ~~

    Life is a Koan..
    An inkblot..
    color it with
    paint of another color…
    more of BeFore..:)

    “To develop a complete mind:
    Study the science of art;
    study the art of science.
    Learn how to see.
    Realize that everything connects to everything else.”

    ~~ Leonardo da Vinci ~~

    in other words….;)

    “People might not get all they work for in this world,
    but they must certainly work for all they get.”

    ~~ Frederick Douglas ~~

    Poor FD..
    didn’t make it
    into the 20th century
    ShArinG Rules..
    and taKinG Gives..
    and sure.. we can beneFit
    from that more as Love Rules over
    aLL iN Giving more than Taking.. i pay
    with words..
    photos.. etc..
    as Karma
    action consequence
    aS A BaLaNce oF liGht iN liFe..;)

    “The only way round is through.”

    ~~ Robert Frost ~~

    And Robert
    thE INternet..;)

    Oh.. the
    too.. mY friEnd..gigoid..;)

  5. The claiming of the stew….

    “Hold the MAYO & pass the COSMIC AWARENESS…”

    ~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

    condoms or
    the equivalent..
    life on the planet
    as we know it is

    And ps.. my
    Bible IS A FucKinG Funny..
    Book.. at lEAst iN mY Fredhead..;)

    “YOW!! I’m in a very clever and adorable INSANE ASYLUM!!”

    ~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

    And that’s why..
    books without
    FucKinG iNsane..
    and cultures that take
    life too seriously are
    FucKinG INSane..
    God’s a joke..
    A Laugh..
    and the
    truth is
    i have Free Will..
    Relatively sPeaking to make iS..bE for mE..;)

    But it
    Oh God.. the practice..
    of BaLaNCinG to experience
    iT aLL
    as God
    IS A Fear
    and Tear too..
    that perHaps i Love..
    even more than the
    Joker all
    says and do’s..;)

    “Any one can hold the helm when the sea is calm.”

    ~~ Publilius Syrus — Maxim 358 ~~

    i for one find..
    the calm
    plain boring..
    i choose waves
    as calm
    is for cautious and fear..
    the hardest thing i could possibly do is hold
    of a boring
    F iN Calm Sea.. now..
    it just ain’t what humans
    are obviously evolved to do..
    as struggle is what makes strong..
    but only in Victory over Vengeance way as liGht Houses…:)

    “Because I could not stop for Death —
    He kindly stopped for me —
    The carriage held but just ourselves
    And immortality.”

    ~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

    Death IS A FeeLinG
    that humans
    are stupid..
    of course..
    the only
    actually imagines
    A Feeling of Death..
    or shall i say unfortunate..
    for those who do.. as nah.. truly
    there is no rule that insists we dream of death..
    but the
    noW as Real..:)

    Now is immortal…
    always has been..
    always will be
    who don’t do science..;)

    “Do you love it do you hate it
    There it is the way you made it”

    ~~ Frank Zappa, “Brown Shoes Don’t Make It” ~~

    Nah.. as science shows now..
    how we even have the
    ability to Love
    is largely
    by the Love
    that is touched and
    given to us in hugs
    0 to 3..
    A major
    source of addictions
    to fill a feel that does not
    exist in some.. as far as touchy
    feely warm and fuzzy puppy love
    every F iN.. Day.. for a heARt that
    fully lives.. is neglect either
    in early life
    and or social
    abuse as live goes on..
    Some folks simply have
    no biological way to Love
    anything as their
    or other
    never fed the
    seed of love that wires
    from head to toe… in biology way..
    Refrigerator parents are a menace to Love..
    phone addicts
    with children too..
    as the truth and light
    of that is largely

    “Kids, don’t gross me off..
    “Adventures with MENTAL HYGIENE” can be carried too FAR!”

    ~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

    is one smARt cookie
    systems that
    are not
    to germs
    and choke
    off asthma breath too.. etc..
    i expose myself every chance
    i get.. except for ‘that stuff’ in restaurants.. etc..
    the shits of life..;)

    Thanks as always
    for the muse.. my Friend
    gigoid.. as practice
    makes eTc..
    of course too…;)

  6. Hmm.. Feeling a bit eclectic
    here.. and it’s been ‘literally’
    months since i’ve visited an
    open link night at dVerse..
    so perhaps i’LL head
    on over..
    muse tHeRE
    too.. Ynot..
    it doesn’t
    take much
    to keep
    for fun.. after
    all is said and wordy
    dance walked and
    keyboarded more..
    iN Ocean Whole Poem
    thAt i am swimming sTiLL
    iN NoW juST for Fun..:)

    Hmm.. the most interesting
    pARt of a North Florida
    FaLL seAson these
    days is it loses
    once Global
    Warming makes
    it all tropic until
    after the New
    year of winTEr..
    anyWay.. as paRt
    Indian.. i can’t say i mind
    an Indian Summer ongoing..
    anyway bottom line you are
    only as Fall as you Feel as
    Eve Winter Warms a heARt aLive..
    and Indian Summers are miGhty Cool too..:)

    SMiLes.. my FriEnd Lillian..
    haven’t done an open prompt
    night in months.. but came by
    for an eclectic mix of muse..
    and the comments
    here certainly
    FeeL the
    atmosphere of
    thaT.. a greatest lesSon
    i lEarned was from the military..
    just working for the Navy as civilian
    for a quarter of a century.. everyone was
    noted to bleed the same color.. and it was
    amazing how everyone.. and i do mean everyone
    treated each other as a shipmate.. just a few miles
    North in a place named Jay.. until just a couple of
    decades ago.. still in the 90’s.. it was a place
    where the veteran shipmates warned
    their fellow African
    American friends
    not to
    after dark..
    i for one.. will
    bleed now with shipmates
    my friend.. and sadly the truth
    is.. ‘that good book’ was used
    to substantiate the ‘good’ of slavery..
    Now that homosexual individuals are
    finally able to get legal marriage rights..
    from the same part of ‘the Good book’
    that used to give credence
    to slavery too..
    the Declaration
    of Independence finAlly
    is applying to all as Lord
    kNows.. outcast status for any
    social animal is a form of slavery..
    as bad as shackles as it prevents the
    pursuit of Life as Liberty and Happiness…
    Yes.. as Shawna said above.. aka LZ.. Martin Luther King
    in eYes
    that see
    sKin as Free..
    bEyond words
    and books of before.. My FriEnd..
    wE bleed.. we bleed toGetHer FReED..
    and truly there are so many forms of ‘invisible’
    slavery heir apparent to the rabbit who still moves..
    like classrooms and work attached to StiLL and stagnate..
    but ha..
    that could
    be another
    WiNks not
    isn’t this great fun..
    being ReTired now with
    so much new tREad to sHare..
    and i swear i could have never
    done any of this in that Government
    place of slavery in stagnate Golden CuFFS
    not only
    slavery but
    literal prison..
    as i can still remember
    the Captain of the base storming
    through.. demanding that the blinds
    be turned one way.. without a dare
    at her power that had no oversight..
    So many paths.. to slavery.. mY FriENd..
    And as the Matrix says.. many people
    have no clue wHeRe they are2..
    it can
    be.. to unplug..
    as alWays.. thanks
    for the inspiration too.. my FriENd..:)



    A place
    with little
    helm control…
    Force A feather into
    heLm.. float siNks as
    concrete quills…Spill..:)

    WeLL.. hello Glenn.. as my
    mama alway said.. if you
    don’t have anything
    kind to say
    don’t say
    it.. hehe..
    when one is involved
    in a song of art that
    comes from within.. a wild
    spirit of horses too.. from a place
    that has enough feeling and empathy
    to tolerate and even accept what they are not
    used to too.. from before.. what the Fuck is Poetry
    but what
    comes from
    heart.. spirit
    S o U L noW..
    W H A T Now
    the fuck is
    a mundane
    of every day life..
    and a fucking three line
    do a full
    symphony of
    somewhere you’ve
    never been before..
    to share with others
    who have enough look.. to read..
    to each his/her/etc.. own.. but may
    the naysayers stew in their own soup..;)

    Note here.. the same ‘Poetry Administrator’
    who couldn’t understand my metaphor of the
    ‘Desert Isle’ for change..
    and my main reason for
    no longer linking
    there.. as i ain’t
    working for
    F iN
    Officers or Red
    Tape anymore never..F iN AgAinT..
    calls friEnd Glenn’s
    not what
    she considers
    poetry.. like she
    couldn’t figure out
    where my poem ended
    with a date stamp
    and frigging literal
    tally of words counted..
    and the comments section began..
    but it’s par for the course.. some folks demand same..
    And that’s okay too.. as long as you.. say oKay.. and continue change..;)

    Cold Front of Fall
    Fairs of hugs
    in youth
    Dances and cars
    to warm hands..
    back and front seat
    kisses that say.. Winter’s
    coming.. now for a nest perhaps..
    ah.. nature.. and human nature same..
    factoid.. male testosterone is highest
    during the Fall.. there is a reason for that
    as we continue to evolve

    The remaining two
    who are a
    little too
    iN divisions
    of grey poopom
    mustard poEtry..
    noT allowing my commenting
    on their sites.. as second
    note here.. gives me an
    opportunity to take
    their poetry
    butthurt them
    even more.. there..
    so.. sure.. there’s
    always a silver lining
    to general discontent..
    where lemons become different LemonAde..
    anyWay.. it turns my stomach a little whenever
    i am reminded of efforts to stifle creativity in actual

    Yeah.. open link
    night can make
    more words than
    usual come.. but
    hey.. it is whatever
    comes next.. and every
    poem is an opportunity to
    expand mindful awareness into
    the world of minds around us.. for me @least..
    and with that said.. now for dinner and a work-out
    as a long weekend ahead of Dancing at a Pensacola
    Seafood Festival with bands on a field of
    grass.. as i may tear up some turf
    there and note to self..
    wear ear plugs
    to avoid
    damage too..
    and then there is
    store dance and church
    and i’m still recuperating
    from a full three hour marathon
    of dance last night at Old Seville..
    the Nike GPS watch doesn’t work in many
    places well and not there at all.. but
    no doubt i did at least twelve miles of
    dance last night.. if not more in total
    comparative effort of even
    jogging that far
    as would be
    the case
    for anyone
    who hasn’t mastered
    gravity in dance yet too..
    thaT takes thousands of miles
    of practice.. i can vouch for me
    at least2.. to truly feel like water
    and air on Terrestrial Butterfly Tiger Lands..
    and the wife notes later no Seafood Festival
    until next
    so perhaps
    i’ll sleep early
    and start writing
    early on Saturday
    morning before Store Dance stARts..:)

  7. So.. after the F.B. EN Name Test thingie.. determines
    my IQ is 279 after conflating standard
    IQ with common sense.. as often
    the two have a rather inverse
    relationship in converse way..
    as they say.. hey.. hey..!..
    now the Name test thingie
    determines my theme song
    from the eighties is.. drum roll..
    Centerfold.. of course.. by J. Geils..
    hmm.. wondering if the Name Test
    thingie goes deep deep in my links..
    and peruses all i do.. who who.. but
    truly as science shows bringing back
    my Standard IQ into play.. adventure therapy
    is a cure for PTSD.. and of course anxiety too..
    and many illusory fears.. by the way.. and as
    science also shows lust play.. IS A source oF
    all creativity and productivity.. just in case then
    you thought this was an elaborate muse to sext
    all the world.. hehe.. like Miley cyrus in Center
    fold way.. well.. truly it is a mix of science and art..
    and add in fearless with that.. and voila.. you get a
    56 year old Center Fold Dude with an IQ that can
    not even be FucKinG measured as i meet no F iN
    Standard of human archetype IQ of the past at all except
    for an eclectic mix like a Son of all who came before.. and don’t
    take that too serious.. per literal.. as it is a metaphor in trans
    Humanist way.. that relates to how we humans these days
    through multi-media sources of input can live literally
    vicariously thousand of lives through the actors..
    producers and directors of so many other
    plays of life.. why not just be honest..
    well.. getting social outcast
    in a First Baptist Church
    is the main reason
    the pastor..
    to viewing
    porn on Saturday
    Night to intuitively
    rev up tHeir creative juices
    in so many ways.. to make a
    very inspiring sermon to the 60’s
    something Bleached Blonde Prim and
    Sexy Seniors in the front row bleacher seats
    with their push up bras pointed RIGHT toward the
    face of the pastor’s recently satiated eyes from
    last night’s porn activities.. where the younger
    women in the third and fourth rows.. with
    their really tight skirts are no longer
    a distraction.. a frustration.. as
    that human instinctual way
    of male being in release
    has already been
    met the night
    before.. perhaps
    even with the pastor’s
    wife.. and no not me.. hehe..
    as sure.. as studies show 50% of
    males and 33% of females peruse
    porn at work.. it is human nature and
    folks do it from all religious denominations
    and it sure beats.. yes.. literally beats studies
    that show when human beings are repressed
    and oppressed to release their human nature in
    all the ways that naturally can come.. that Arabian
    clinical studies show that in cultures where men and
    women are prohibited from even holding hands with
    the opposite sex until after marriage.. other than
    family members.. three to six year old girls..
    as i’ve horrifyingly reported before..
    as i would sure like to see a
    stop put to this.. are
    sexually abused in
    the home by male
    family members.. and
    other intimate associations
    from the home.. as sure it would
    be a lot FucKinG better if those males
    took care of business by themselves behind
    a private FucKinG Door with some Good Old
    American Porn.. to do as they wilt without FucKinG
    harming your kids sister or 3 year old daughter or
    whatever then else truly FucKinG perverted thing
    happens when human nature is put in a cage
    and comes out all truly harmful like that..
    hmm.. so sure.. i support porn.. as it’s
    dam sure better than harming someone
    in the flesh who does not FucKinG want
    it or is not even at the age of
    consent.. and of course..
    porn that is consensual..
    and it would be nice
    if porn was less
    like rape
    and more
    like love and
    fun.. that sure you
    can find too.. if you
    look hard enough for what
    is beautiful and harms no one else..
    anyway.. i grew up in the Catholic Church
    where the Virgin Mary.. was used literally
    to suggest that girls who are touched
    down there before marriage were
    less than holy.. and sure..
    stuff has eased up
    a whole lot
    in the
    Catholic church..
    as take most anyone
    aside.. and if they fess up
    they’ll tale you they come here..
    but they take all the now ridiculous
    labyrinth teachings with a grain of
    salt.. people understand life is much
    more complicated that what the church
    portends to control in strict regulations
    of human nature.. and sure there are
    die hard repressed and oppressing
    fundamentalist folks too.. but
    as we often find out
    those are the
    who have
    the most hidden
    in the closets with
    skeletons that prove..
    they are just human too..
    humans create the best free..
    and productively too.. as in all stuff
    liFe.. a BaLanCinG ForCe of Human
    Nature set free.. is what makes humans tick
    tock best
    without the
    restraints of clocks
    in life.. with hands that
    only go in clockwise fashion..
    sure.. sometimes it’s good to stroke
    life to
    the left too..;)

    Changing gears here rapidly..
    Facebook FriEnd Rafiah..
    shares this very nice post
    from Humans of Bombay that
    so sweetly relates.. the favorite
    word is beautiful as that applies to
    everyone on earth.. all are beautiful
    no matter what.. and truly as i’ll add here
    again.. as i always come back to do.. hehe..
    to find all in life sacred from head to toe.. and
    in all of Nature around us too.. including the
    extensions of God and Nature same that
    is our technology that allows us
    instruments even greater
    than Star Trek had
    to share our
    heARt and
    miNd and
    SpiRit and
    SoUl and sure
    eYes of Body too..
    with others freely IS
    A way to live in heaven now
    with no wait at all.. as when all
    becomes beautiful even what one
    might term as ugly when one understands
    that dARk makes liGht in liFE too.. as struggle
    makes us stronger.. with Victory and flowers
    of eYes over Vengeance and swords that
    the dArk Side makes for life.. sure.. let
    the sword change into words
    and photos.. and videos
    of flowers.. dissent
    as necessary
    and flow
    the DArk
    oF BeFore..
    that sure has helped
    to bRing to the point oF iS noW too..
    so.. i respond back to Rafiah’s Facebook
    share by saying in kind reFrain oF liGht..
    WeLL.. FriEnd Rafiah.. that is so
    beautiful and i just am stopping
    By today to say..
    you have a beautiful
    heart.. soul.. and spirit
    and it lights up your eyes..
    when you present that liGht too..:)

  8. Language of the
    Internal UniVerse of
    what speaks within my
    FriEnd.. thefeatheredsleep..
    lesSons not taught
    in pre-K
    to even
    school at end..
    i can remember when
    i lost my emotions.. it’s
    strange how that can happen..
    when one lives in only ways of
    solving external problems.. a Heart
    is not a book with instruction manual
    or pill
    to fix..
    a heARt is ARt..
    and wHere does
    school provide
    a class
    anyway.. my
    brain fixer upper
    the Air Force Major
    combat fatigue repairman
    the Psychiatrist Major then..
    you need to use something else now..
    other than adrenaline to motivate yourself…
    hmm.. and reflecting on what the music i created
    on the piano that had fingers of feelings without
    words to express
    those feelings..
    i had no
    idea what
    he was saying
    in words as the
    reference point… even..
    of all emotions other than
    adrenaline and fear were lost
    to living life that way in severe and
    chronic stress over the course of two
    years before that.. where general adaptation
    syndrome brought me down then to the lowest
    levels of serpent brain where logic could not even
    focus to play a game of tic tac toe.. i literally could
    not play a game of tic tac toe.. and my wife had
    to write down if i could do anything
    each day.. like brush
    my teeth.. floss..
    take a shower
    or accomplish
    any F in task
    at all..
    sure an
    message there
    is one can come
    back from the cliff
    with no bottom as well
    dry of bRAin water from
    bEfore.. as when i was young..
    the common view of me was
    i was way too emotional and
    needed to come back down
    to earth.. well.. there
    is no water in
    that place
    pit.. of
    where not
    even a word
    can be pulled
    from bRain
    screen way
    of literal death in life..
    seriously though.. no frigging
    psychiatrist or therapist or social
    worker or psychologist or general
    physician or rheumatologist or pain
    doctor.. or heart specialist.. as Jesus
    F.. in Christ.. after seeing no doctors
    at all for 23 years.. i had somewhere
    close to 100 appts.. and sure i am
    leaving out some of the
    titles for Doctors
    too.. in
    way who eventually
    found 19 medical disorders
    in me.. mostly pain related..
    invisible from a view outside..
    with the common denominator
    of no instruction in how to bring
    my emotions back.. bottom line.. the
    emotions came back storming at the
    end of July 2013.. other bottom line..
    when they did.. all the F iN pain went
    away fast.. as slowly as it came over the
    course of two years.. ’06-’08 and
    66 more months of iSREAL
    hell ‘tween 2008 and
    and this
    is why what
    you do is so important
    my friend.. is.. you bring human
    emotion from the deep.. from the
    dark.. and into the light as well.. as
    my first break through was a tear after
    five years when a beloved cat died
    in April of 2013.. i had a spark
    of poetry before in March .. ’13
    just empty
    shells with
    no feelings inside..
    that tear.. eventually
    led to the first smile and
    laugh after emotions of sadness
    came back in July of 2013.. but then..
    mostly.. truly it was the poetry where
    language connected words of hEart
    finally again in me.. to open up a dam
    of mind in damned way with body too…
    that had lost the liGht of EmoTions trUe..
    these places of heaven and hell are places
    within.. when within comes out of seed.. of
    broken shells of what was before.. as liGht
    of EmoTioNs new and or renewed..
    liFe changes to
    liGht away
    from dArk…
    and emoTiOns
    flow from head to toe..
    through the Vagal Nerve or
    the Kundalini Serpent same..
    from Brain to Gut too… where
    my psychiatrist who said my case
    was the worst he had ever seen.. even
    offered to put an implant in my chest to
    stimulate a vagal never that had gone
    dark as wick to liGht.. Dance was
    the second pARt to PoEtry
    my friEnd.. and that
    Dance was the liGht
    that brought
    me back
    liGht than
    any experience
    from before.. free
    flowing.. body spiraling..
    as waves of ocean whole before..
    where the entire FucKinG Ocean
    of existence finally is complete sense
    and feel as integrated.. and invincible
    to Forces of DArk.. Bones can reignite
    to liGht.. bottom line2 my fRiend is
    we can fix ourselves…
    and help others
    fix themselves
    with Dance
    And Poetry
    and other art
    too.. so keep
    doing what you do…
    it’s not jusT the flowery words
    that folks need.. they need to feel
    all pARts of the Human soUL dARk and
    liGht and that is what you Bring best.. heARt
    and SpiRit to the
    table of Life..
    and first Supper
    of the human being
    that breaks fast for LiFe iN LiGht..

  9. To the Holder of my life’s map

    Hi.. rosemawrites..
    you have a
    human touch
    that sadly i
    often find lost
    in poetry land..
    so.. i come to visit..
    past.. dVerse trail.. now..
    Yes… thE friEnd then.. close..
    at age three.. i find.. i could
    see so clearly too.. across the
    river.. in shot gun home way.. liGht..
    somehow.. not as clearly in lesSons
    of school in shoes
    oF seated way..
    as paper
    touch and
    words become
    grass of leaves beneath
    my feet of bare before.. so free
    with breeze.. and air of
    water front deep..
    carries me
    so far
    now in free before..
    and in the dArkest pit
    of numb i come to see so
    many years later.. at age 47..
    42 years of meaning lost from
    then.. tHeRe IS A faint whisper
    at beach that no longer warms
    soul.. and eventually i become
    waves and ocean whole
    again my friEnd..
    the FriEnd
    iS alWays
    tHeRe iN tHe
    beGinninG as
    thE ‘tween.. and
    at the end and
    beginning of always
    noW Now.. it’s juSt that culTure
    in all its complexity drOwns out
    The beauty of the voice within that needs
    no words but seashores open.. within.. mY FriEnd..:)

  10. What If?

    What iF..
    we all reach
    out to someone
    with nice
    words.. etc..
    of encouragement..
    just ’cause we can
    for no other
    can and
    will.. and sure
    a Loving human
    touch that
    in a grain of sand..
    and sunshine rays..
    that can
    not hold
    saying hi..
    another day
    is now.. and life
    is worth living.. reaching out..
    smiles my friend.. i don’t think we
    thank folks enough for being this way
    naturally as they can be.. i’ve commented
    on literally thousands of poet’s sites just
    for inspiration of words of heArt..
    and i’ve been thinking
    or better put
    i miss A
    human touch at nows..
    that is just a ‘stranger’
    with a warm heart..
    as the world
    is surely
    without that my friEnd..
    anyway.. i don’t know you..
    but i encourage you to keep
    being you.. just another friendly
    person on the trail of life.. that can
    become so rigid and unwavering if we don’t reach out..
    and touch
    more than

  11. Very Intelligent..
    and Wonderful Artist..
    in words and paint.. Himali..
    Facebook Friend.. with status..
    shares some photos of
    herself from India
    and i say..
    sMiLes.. mY
    friEnd Himali..
    this beauty is elegant..
    you look like an Indian
    princess here for sure..
    just stopped
    by to say
    hi too..
    Sweet Dreams
    my friEnd.. noW iN
    your pArt of the World..
    as i need a Nature
    and a first
    step.. is alWays
    the beauty of FriEnds..:)

    And this reminds me too.. of my
    young college age Friend Vida who
    is the gym attendant where i work out..
    as i came through the door she raised her
    arms up and yelled Fred.. you know.. a Norm
    moment from Cheers.. as i am a character most
    every wHeRe
    as the
    Machine too..
    as named that too..
    at Old Seville Quarter..
    last Thursday night.. then..
    anyWay.. the human touch
    noW is what counts.. Now
    in DanCinG and SinGinG
    liFE Free.. it’s harder to
    do online.. deeper
    than shells
    of empty
    but i work at
    it and never ever
    give up FOR THE BLESSING
    as human lamps of love CAN AND WILL..
    and with that said.. hello Nature.. i’m coming BACK..
    see ya
    later online..
    as Lamps Love..
    DancE and SinG more

  12. Two orders of artificially-flavored, deep-fried, imitation calamari, please….

    “Since we cannot know all that is to be known of everything,
    we ought to know a little about everything.”

    ~~ Blaise Pascal ~~

    A Philosophy Class in
    Humanities for me
    in ’78.. a dire
    from the
    instructor that
    specialization is
    the vice of the modern
    world that is making us
    smart in niche’s and
    destroying the
    of us.. leave
    no stone unturned
    is what i say/FeeL now..
    but sure.. take
    a break
    and do
    FucKinG noThing
    that’s everythinG aLL..
    as now is all at peace too..
    ah.. simple animal homeostasis
    on a trial of life that meanders in breeze
    and air
    yeah.. i know i said
    i don’t like ruling
    calm seas.. Now..
    but hey.. noW..
    everyone needs
    a break from waves
    too.. so.. i’ll surf water
    as sTiLL Air wiTh Calm Sees..:)

    “It is easier to stay out than get out.”
    ~~Mark Twain ~~

    OH JF Christ..
    Ain’t that the
    trUth and dARk..
    for the
    modern Gold
    CuffS iN decAdes
    of Government work..
    all for the retirement Now..
    of being free ..if ya live that long
    in chains as yelloWed gOld of Uncle Sam..;)

    “You govern a kingdom by normal rules;
    You fight a war by exceptional moves;
    But you win the world by letting alone,
    How do I know that this is so?
    By what is within me!
    The more taboo and inhibitions there are in the world,
    The poorer the people become.
    The sharper the weapons the people posses,
    The greater confusion reigns in the realm.
    The more clever and crafty the men,
    The oftener strange things happen.
    The more articulate the laws and ordinances,
    The more robbers and thieves arise.”

    ~~ Tao Teh Ching, #57 ~~

    Hmm.. now that Ching
    Tao dude or dudette
    or whomever sAid
    all of this.. noW
    has obviously
    explored the
    Deep within..
    yeah.. be careful
    of niches inside.. just
    itching to get out and play..
    and just got me to thinking.. the
    Jesus dude who was against all
    the old rules of the day according
    to whomever wrote that.. got changed
    into follow my rule as believe in me or
    Go to FucKinG
    now.. out..
    from chains
    of ignorance
    is what i say..2..
    to the otHeR noW..
    FucKinG FReED siDe..;)

    Cynics are made, not born.

    ~~ Max ~~

    Dust has no hope.. until….

    “I’m not into isms and asms.There isn’t a Catholic moon and a Baptist sun. I know the universal God is universal…. I feel that the same God-force that is the mother and father of the pope is also the mother and father of the loneliest wino on the planet.” — Dick Gregory

    God iS Star dUst plus…
    and end
    story of US..
    STiLL noW..’tween..:)

    “The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn.” — Gloria Steinem

    Don’t forget..
    about before first
    and after last now..
    and all the
    more ‘tween
    of that
    goeS oN
    we change..
    for the better or worse.. and sAme..
    Adaptation or not.. change moves on for leARn

    “Walking in a forest between two hedges of ferns transfigured by autumn – that is a triumph. What are ovations and applause beside it?” — E.M. Cioran

    Next to
    Bottom Line..
    Life IS A miracle
    of sorts as even science shows now..:)

    “You cling to your own ways and leave mine to me.”
    ~~ Petrarch ~~

    Like.. i told my FriEnd
    Glenn.. let ‘them’
    own SoUp..
    meanwhile.. i’ve
    got some
    plans now..
    to try out..
    to renew me too..
    with a lot of Wild Hair
    iN mY soUp FReED..:)

    Other than that have a
    nice respite from the online
    world.. my FriEnd.. mY fingers
    are still running.. straight to Nature
    in spiraLinG
    ways tHeiR
    aS Golden
    SpiRAl FeeLs.. SeNses..
    more than kNow oF Words..:)

  13. Back to the Future
    of After Dance oF Fred..
    hehe.. with the past and
    the beginning of the
    the dance of
    me first.. and back
    in the mid to late
    70’s of course
    that was
    the Disco
    Craze put into
    the height of that era
    With John Travolta and
    Saturday Night Fever where
    dance came into vogue of the
    in thing to do.. even to the point
    that River-Side Disco came to
    the little River town
    of Milton.. Florida..
    just in time
    of the day of
    first Cuban Girl
    Friend Sonia in ’78 with
    the rest of her Cuban and
    Irish mixed brothers.. one of
    which by name of Ron and she
    the Sonia.. were great latin-like
    couples dancers.. where i as noted
    before was just a stiff who was inspired
    to move.. somewhat robotic and repetitive-
    like instead of floWing and spiraLing Galaxy
    and Nautilus style noW as back
    then for a male to raise
    his arms above his
    head.. let’s
    just say..
    was still
    not the in thing
    to do in Riverside
    Disco Town.. Milton
    Florida.. but ah.. the black
    lights and the electronic music..
    so inspiring as trance of human
    higher freer levels of consciousness
    when all worries melted Away.. and yA
    juST danced the night awaY.. getting higher
    and hiGher.. even without any alcohol or drugs
    although of course plenty of folks were abusing
    that then too.. as for some folks.. there is never
    enough for the more of now to be
    satisfied at all..
    A Gregorian chant
    is a way to trance.. but
    mix in some electronic music
    like this and some sexy related
    moves all jiggly and free
    like the video nicely
    illustrated in
    what looks
    like a very
    very dark
    thin sheened
    dance evening
    slip.. of the whatever..
    you stARt to get the
    drift of where the
    entire sensual
    experience of
    dance first hand
    and feet and the rest
    of Ya can take ya higher
    and higher in iSREAL hUman
    orbit.. and like the original ‘FiLI’
    of my ancestor seers as poets from
    Gaelic early origin Irish Tradition then…
    the FiLi Poet.. put on a pedestal much
    higher than the bard.. was no less than
    a bible prophet from the parable books of Abrahamic
    religions too.. yah.. Poetry/Dance like this is sacred..noW
    don’t yA kNow and FeeL iT.. when iT Flows with zero effort
    like the Waves carry the Ocean to the shores back and
    forth as juSt a free pARt of Nature.. well.. sure.. the
    Ocean iS iN the moves of those women in the
    video.. and if you see it other than
    holy and sacred.. you
    aren’t seeing and
    FEELING the whoLe
    piCture of God iN
    wE when set FReED..
    the holiest experience
    that’s ever been noted
    in history in the sacred
    trance dance of seers and
    prophets alike when truly free
    to core of what it means to be
    A Child of God with no limits or
    expectations of clothed cultures of
    later than the Sacred and Holy Fili’s
    of Ireland.. that are carried on in my Irish
    EYes.. and American Indian hands sTiLL noW Now..
    aS Feet oF feAT dAnce noW FReED.. Wild and UntAMed..
    And oh my Goodness.. one of the Dance Girls up in the
    Video reminds me very much of ‘one’ of my Seville Dance
    Friends.. but nah.. i ain’t saying which one or more she is..
    anyWay.. back in the 70’s.. male chest hair was all the rAge
    and that was one place.. i was gifted then.. if not the dance.. heHe..;)

  14. How fortunate am i.. to live somewhere close
    enough to Nature.. to walk out.. either my
    back door or front door and escape
    to God’s Hands/eYes/Feet without
    much reminder of the every
    day stresses of culture..
    other than cars whizzing
    by on busier roads..
    where truly.. the
    Beach as trees
    and me too.. one with
    Nature.. one with God..
    sAMe dAM thing for those who
    think that God only lives in Temples
    and books of religions.. sure.. and wE commune
    ecstaticAlly with Nature and God sAMe when We
    Free dance naked aWaY from cultural clothes and more
    on that in a few.. but i can still remember a Philosophy
    class at age 18 that opened my mind/body to the similarities
    of all religions and other ways of belief that bRinG
    a oneness of bEinG wiTh each otHeR..
    including other animals and
    all of Nature sAMe
    for this great
    gift of
    Star DuSt Life
    thaT is miracle beyond
    dUst beLief.. why shouldn’t
    we dance scantily clothed or not
    clothed at all from the ways of culture
    that repress and oppress our human
    natures from head to toe as gifted by
    God and Nature sAMe.. well.. it’s
    simple.. ’cause there are those
    among us who would
    subjugate us and
    use the beauty
    of our sensuality
    and sexuality to make
    money off it instead of free..
    to control reproductive freedoms
    for weaker men who don’t want to
    have the responsibility to attract a
    mate by increasing their God given
    talents to do just that.. in ways of
    dance innate.. and being
    strong enough
    to provide
    for a future family..
    but nah.. tools become rules..
    and truly real fools are those who
    repress and oppress human nature
    by limiting our ability to dance and sing
    free with God in all the ways that comes
    free for all.. who free themselves from
    the chains in books.. and beliefs
    that say anything
    N liNe..:)

    Ha! the only thing stopping illuminati conspiracy theorists
    from saying i am Lucifer come to flesh
    is the fact that i ain’t famous..
    from doing a red-tinted
    dance here at
    age 56 with
    my dance
    Angels last
    year.. eTc.. also known
    noW as Charlie’s Angels..
    Cortney.. Maggie.. and
    Chelsea.. left to right.. and this
    gives me an opportunity of course
    to honoUr them.. as they didn’t happen
    to make it.. to my 6000 mile dance milestone
    celebration at Good Old Seville Quarter on Thursday
    Night.. but never the less they have been steady and
    very supportive dance muse partners for over 2 years now
    and i appreciate them very much.. as they are what you might
    term as intellectual dance partners too.. and in someways a
    nerd like me.. but ha!.. they hide it well like i do too..
    on the freer dance floors of life.. all free
    and open in dancing by heArt
    of concrete
    before man
    made rules..
    nah.. no rules for
    Dance and Song for me..
    not even playing the piano.. as
    i remember when my friend by the
    book of piano.. Pearlas… another nice
    Pacific Islander friend from school.. asked
    me how i did a riff on the Song.. Take the Long
    Way home.. by Super Tramp.. i told her.. and it’s
    no different than dance or poetry.. or how
    i improvise the SonGs in Catholic
    Church with Choirs of
    Angels deep
    down.. i feeL iT..
    in ways of heARt.. Spirit
    and soUl iN miNd and BoDy
    BaLanCinG wayS.. and as Nike
    says per the Goddess of human
    archetypal Victory.. i juST F iN Do it..
    and the art comes next.. juSt the way iT is for FReED..
    for me..
    and sure when
    i write poetry
    i am not
    in planning way..
    i aM SinGinG from deep
    down and tHeRe IS A constant
    melody i hEar of God of nature iN mY eAR’s HeARt..
    anyWay.. the earliest renditions of hell were most
    always photos of humans huddled together naked
    with the obvious meaning that being naked is
    evil.. and even in modern
    ignorant cultures
    in trance
    to go deeper
    in oneness with God
    to exercise our higher human
    potentials that sure are sensual
    and even sexual in nature.. is considered
    evil.. and when someone like Beyonce reaches
    deep down.. and finds that masculine strength and
    will inside with the serpent eYe of going higher in survival..
    it is no demon.. it is just her human potential in genetic
    memory of epigenetics unlocked as human
    nature.. and expressed in new
    neuroplastic ways
    from head
    to toe
    of human
    potential more..
    And i saw it recently
    with Lady Gaga continually
    as she sets herself free in her
    dance of her latest song named
    Perfect Illusion.. the illusion is we
    are not free.. when yes.. we CAN AND
    AND sure.. wHeRe would A After Dance oF Fred Be..
    without the Disco Electronic Trance Roots Music oF
    Donna Summer and i Feel Love..
    well.. the trUth and liGht iS..
    when one releases
    all their inhibitions
    in the trance of ecstatic
    DancE thaT can certainly be
    enhanced through electronic trance
    dance music.. one does rise higher and
    higher with the higher potential of God within
    wE through raising our mindful awareness NoW of
    FeeLinG/SeNSinG.. the Unconditional Love from God of NatUre
    Fearless Free gifted to uS.. juST waiting within to
    be SpARked hiGher and Higher like this through
    ecstatic dance like our so-called primitive
    ancestors and some still do..
    without F iN
    restraints that would
    hold folks back in books
    and men and other’s lies to
    repress and oppress our God
    Given human potential to basically
    make us slaves.. from old so-called
    Fundamentalist Christian rules that said
    dance and rock and roll both.. were the brew of
    the devil.. to many Muslim countries that truly sTiLL
    believe that raising mindful awareness through ecstatic
    trance dance is the work of the so-called fucking devil..
    Go(O)d news for you.. the only dEvil is fear and all
    stuff related to hate.. that oppresses and
    represses human nature…
    but sure.. ‘you’ kNow
    not what you
    do as you
    with lies that
    take human freedoms
    as gifted by God free away..
    iF it exists free on the NAKED BeacHes of
    life it is God given.. if not.. more than
    likely it is fear and hate given.. by those who
    would still slave human nature for selfish and tribal benefits..
    that sadly are a real dARk paRt of human nature too.. wHeRE soMe
    of uS have the abiLiTy to do better than that.. with hUmaN liGht PoTenTiaL..
    freeR As
    Happy Children of God
    thaT way.. in Fearless smARt Love..:)

    Every Girl Loves a Sharp Dressed Dancer

    Every Girl Loves a Sharp ‘Dressed’ Dancer..

    A satire here on a 54 year old dude.. hehe..
    me.. two years ago.. continuing a free lance online
    stripping career in all legal
    restricted Google
    liNk way
    all for free
    of course.. as
    ha!.. who would
    pay for thaT anyWay
    moreover hehE.. but anYway
    an endeavor to lose past inhibitions/fears..
    and set myself free f(r)orm a very repressing
    and oppressing red state patriarchal place now/then
    i was raised in aS oNe could be metaphored as
    a New Jerusalem as Milton in a Freer
    U.S. of A as New iSREAL too..
    wHeRE hUmans wHo
    have enough
    gRit and
    can set themselves
    free too.. hmm.. how
    to.. how to.. well.. as science
    shows adventure therapy or going
    places that you would have been terrified
    from doing and going before.. is now a
    validated way to treat PTSD.. as sure
    i’ve experienced that before
    along with panic attacks
    too.. and what would
    you do to not
    go back
    to that
    place again..
    let’s just say
    getting naked ain’t
    nearly as hard as getting
    PTSD and Panic AttackS.. in faCt
    let’s juST say it is the anti-hell
    of that iN FeeLinG iT is more like
    SenSinG pro-Heaven now.. as it don’t matter
    what you look like when you do it.. what counts
    is how you FeeL/SenSe when you set yourself free and note
    to self.. this Donna Summer Music IS A very/very good trance
    SonG to inspire words along with Dance too.. hehe.. as they
    continue to flow hEar uninterrupted as free.. anyWay2.. as Aleister
    Crowley once said.. sex is magick and it brings to fruition higher
    potential of intentionally changing your future to TruE wiLLful ways of
    being and concrete empirical results.. well.. the trUth and liGht
    now is.. even science shows that lust IS A major source of
    all human creativity and productivity and as
    in all stuff life now.. i use it
    instead of loSing it..
    i don’t give a FucK
    how it looks or what
    people think about.. it.. sHows..
    bottom line is.. luSt increases
    human creativity and productivity
    as 3.3 million plus words in 3 years and abouT
    100K photos.. do.. including.. over a thousand
    sMiLinG beautiful women from Seville including
    the Goddess Isis.. Katrina.. the you know.. real incarnated
    one as human Imagination of self-fulfilling prophecies go and
    continue to grow in our modern age oR either.. in Isis head
    hunting aS devil ways2.. or beauty of women smiling
    ear to ear.. in red tinted photos too..
    okay.. fuck you head hunters..
    life is beautiful..
    okay.. from head
    to toe
    to tip
    of penis
    and clitoris
    too.. and if you can’t
    see that all those parts
    are sacred and holy as God
    and a Grain of Sand you are
    blind my friend(S) in veils of iGnorance..
    and some of us are lifting those veils
    of ignorance continuAlly now as we noW
    DO iN original Def of Apocalypse noW iN
    aRt as we
    DancE and
    as naked
    as the modern
    age human archetype
    of Angel Miley Cyrus
    and her FucKinG WreckInG
    bAlls against F iN C Trump
    WAlls of hate.. haha.. ain’t
    it ironic.. trump’s grand daddy’s
    name was Frederick Christ Trump
    and his Mama’s first two names were
    Elizabeth Christ.. oh.. little old me..
    born on 06660.. but illuminati conspiracy
    theorists.. i am free free from your lies as
    i am
    a thief
    in the night..
    har har.. haha.. he HE..
    keep hanging with ‘famous
    folk’s oKAy.. see wHeRe thAT
    takes you..

  15. Cosmic rays are scrambling our emotional states….

    “I asked God for strength, that I might achieve;
    I was made weak, that I may learn humbly to obey.”

    First of all.. i find that
    God iSREAL in all of
    Nature and the filter
    oF eYe is within as
    hmm.. then..
    i asked myself
    for strength.. sure..
    God within.. and lost
    iT.. and lEarned new ways
    aS the Nature oF God within
    to humbly obey.. to get stronger noW
    every day after that.. after encountering
    the weakest pArts of liFE oF aLL when all was lost
    as life..
    bottom line
    it works as empirically
    measured.. i AM now stronger
    at age 56.. by measures as much
    as twice.. before.. any day of before age 54..
    in fAct.. some folks who kNew me bEforE.. swear up and down i’VE even
    grown taller.. sure.. standing uP straight for yoUrself iS Standing TaLLer..
    and sure.. perhaps i have lEarned to shape shift somewhat too..
    as science proves this is a real thingy too.. as even my
    Father.. the law enforcement officer in TaLLahassee
    Florida.. witnessed Ted Bundy making himself
    shorter and taller and transforming his
    facial expressions into someone
    else in a heart beat or so..
    as practice makes
    as change
    as practice comes
    for those.. who do more..
    dArk and liGht as Karma goes..
    and actors in Hollywood are quite
    successful in mastering tHeiR appearance like this too..;)

    “I asked God for health, that I may do greater things;
    I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.”

    Sure.. i would be kinda crazy not to insist within
    that i not be healthy.. yET.. i am hUman..
    and without obeying mY hUman
    Nature.. i fall.. i fall..
    i totally
    failed then..
    to understand
    and respect and
    obey those limits
    for doing much greater
    things as BaLanCinG Force of
    within.. inside.. outside.. above
    so below.. and all around.. now..
    Like.. totAlly eliminating negative stress and
    illusory fears in life.. and becoming fearless..
    and controlling every single thought in my head
    liGht aS weLL..
    unless i’M doing
    poEtry satire as an
    Art of relative free WiLL
    As my own GD actor..
    producer.. and
    of mY
    pLay too..:)

    “I asked for riches, that I may be happy;
    I was given poverty, that I might be wise.”

    Fuck Money all together.. i asked for a rich
    soul.. and once again.. by not lEArning
    my Nature and obeying the
    limits as imposed
    by God and
    Nature sAMe…
    i fell with poverty of
    Spirit.. and got the
    riches.. without even asking..
    of course.. not spending money.. helped..;)

    “I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men;
    I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.”

    i asked for the Power of Love.. was born
    that way.. and God as Nature in me
    took it away.. once.. again..
    ’cause i was too ignorant
    to understand Nature
    and God sAMe within..
    obey those Laws
    of Nature
    understand.. i need
    that Nature AKA God BaLanCinG
    within.. to do almost anything iN life At ALL..
    as sure.. once again.. i failed before.. in fall…:)

    “I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life,
    I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.”

    Life IS A Gift..
    bottom line..
    everything else
    is icing.. if ya kNow
    how to lick it good..
    instead of getting whipped bad..
    as a matter of perceiving life.. of course2..:)

    “I got nothing I asked for but everything I hoped for.
    I am, among all men, most richly blessed.”

    Most everyone i meet in real life.. can’t believe
    i’m on an all natural high from Nature
    aka God.. allone.. within.. eTc..
    but sure..
    they have
    no idea
    how much
    i practice and
    obey all innate..
    instinctual.. and intuitive
    ways of getting the most
    BleSsinGs.. bY juST figuring
    i aM within
    iS noW
    As the
    God within
    as Nature i AM
    iS noW as far
    as other folks see..
    wanTinG soMe of what
    i AM
    oN noW..
    ALL FReED..
    @leASt for mE..:)

    And ha! regarding religion..
    we got some hyper-scare-bowl..
    from the Monsignor.. at Church.. suggesting
    that Pew research reports that 50 Percent less
    of Americans no longer believe in religion.. as
    hyperbole goes.. but sure.. info.. bowl.. is driving
    many folks into other areas of practicing emotions
    of holy and sacred.. to create their reaLiTy as a Happy
    one with EmoTioNs and SeNses iSREaL.. nah.. not everyone
    is doing the Fundamentalist thingie any more.. in hell fire pews..
    with illusory promises and fears.. the percentage noW of Atheists
    in America is relatively the same at 3 percent.. since 2007 where
    it was like 2 percent then.. oh no.. a 50 percent increase.. but sure
    there is still the other 97%.. Believing.. Having Faith.. and Hoping are
    simply human emotions and senses iSREAL.. whatever they get
    attached to.. as far as metaphors.. as symbols.. vehicling and
    vesselling.. houSing what works.. thAt will continue to change
    noW as long as culture changes.. However.. hUman
    NatUre still works the way it has at core..
    before all this written language
    and book/culture stuff became
    the stuff of tools
    that are
    of our Nature..
    iSREaL too.. bottom
    liNe.. EmoTioNs and SeNses
    are iSREaL.. and insurance pays
    for hypnotherapy.. so sure.. the power
    of suggestion.. for at least 33 Percent
    of the population works.. and to control/utilize
    that power within.. preSents amazing human potential..;)

    And as the ‘Great Philospher’ Sting
    and Police StiLL SinG..
    when the world
    is running
    yA maKe
    the best of what
    is left that’s STiLL..
    aRound.. and oh yeah..
    tHeRe muST bE an iNvisible
    SuN too.. i ain’t scared.. and
    in fAct i’M thrilLed to bE aLiVE..
    as i can’t ask for anything more.. mY
    FriEnd than Heaven now.. Space is full
    of shit happens.. i’M gonna enjoy this wave
    iT ends
    but unTiL
    then.. worry
    ain’t gonna do mE
    a bit of Good2.. other
    than keep my miNd off of liFe
    and i refuse to ever do that again..
    ’cause.. i’M lucky enough now to master
    the hardest
    of liFE
    i’Ve ever
    found and
    thAT is ME mY
    fRiEnd.. and i AM
    the only one inside
    who could have possibly
    achieved that.. everything else
    i lick good as icing on the cAke..
    i can and WiLL..
    iN fAct.. thE LiGht iS
    so BriGht.. i gotta wear sHades..
    but nah.. tHey ain’t cheap..
    about $666 dollars.. they
    come expensive
    so F iN
    as Practice..:)

  16. Hmm.. i was just talking about
    shape shifting in my last Micro-Verse
    of Macro-Verse.. After Dance oF Fred..
    and if the En Name Test thingie is any
    indication of my success at this.. it’s representation
    of me as not only A Creator in curious.. creating…
    great at expressing myself.. and being
    born in order to create something
    new in this world.. as
    my role in life.. hmm..
    Ms. VanLanding
    ham ‘here’.. the
    very nice ballet
    Student and Dancer
    From Old Seville Quarter
    that the En Name Test thingie
    is suggesting who i am out of
    the recent profile pic..
    is certainly
    of evidence
    of creating me aNew heheR..
    Well.. MoVinG along with
    my last dance Shirt of this
    706th MacroVerse of
    Longest Long
    form Ocean
    i mUst say
    that moving from
    BAtman VanGogh
    to SupERman VanGogh
    in starry starry niGht way..
    is reflective of mY HuMan Nature
    as even literature study shows.. the
    iConic Superman.. and other Bi-Polar
    Nature way of Being Kent Nerd vs..
    all star every jack of trades.. comes from
    the original story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde..
    although Mr. Hyde is certainly a Bad Cop Superman
    and or Batman as that can move to Super Villain
    too.. as we kinda see in the last
    Superman Movie too..
    modeled after the
    Jesus story too..
    and yes..
    as they
    Vincent likely
    was Bi-Polar too..
    and most anyone Super
    Creative is on some kind of
    hypo-maniac stay.. like i’ve been
    most of my life.. anyway.. other than
    the dark.. dark.. nights of the soUL and
    a few stellar and very painful extreme manic highs..
    yeah.. i’ve moved past three years of clinical hypomania..
    but i did almost two decades of that before.. without much of
    a hitch.. until stress killed the balance that i finely maintained
    then as i do the same now.. i work at the hiGh BaLanCinG oF liFe
    in a Hypomanic Heaven oF liFE like a Frigging Olympic mental
    and body BaLanCinG Athlete.. and it’s not anything new..
    i’ve been doing this all my life.. with success stellar
    as such and misery fail in the opposite
    of dArk niGhtS of the soUL
    too.. and i must
    admit my
    first major
    ’bout of
    dARk SoUL..
    i shed tears for
    Vincent Van Gogh
    and many oThers as it’s
    impossible to understand
    what it’s like unless you go somewhere
    dARk like that as oil tarred bird away from
    star of morn.. as rebirth.. yourself.. but as the
    phoenix rises.. the ashes and charred feathers
    fall away.. and yA rise again.. and once again..
    juST another opportunity to use the Katy
    Perry SonG by sAme nAMe as RisE
    noW too.. sure.. the artists
    have always been
    the saviors of
    the world
    in all
    the ways
    change comes..
    as change sTarts
    at the heARt and tHeRe
    is neither start or heart
    as aLL is left
    is ST
    yeah.. Politics
    and Patriarchy..
    and in some ways
    that is both art and science too..
    as alWays a BaLAnCinG ForCe of WE
    is required
    to geT iT Super(wo)-
    man aLL ToGeThEr onE
    iN YiN and YanG wAyS
    and Atman too..aS B..2..

  17. So.. now.. the Name Test Thingy on Facebook determines
    i am an Avalanche when angry.. and i was curious
    if this had changed since the last result of
    Tornado.. and sure enough..
    when i feel just ’cause
    iS prevalent.. a ‘revalent’
    Revelatory Avalanche of Free Verse Poetry
    comes in the nick of now.. to the rescue.. hehe..
    along with some word play of wit too.. as
    hey.. people are too FucKinG serious
    these days for my tastes…
    too stuck on rules..
    and order..
    to escape
    their illusory fears
    and even promises.. now
    from the system.. aka the
    Matrix and or culture these dAys sTiLL..
    first step to anything positive in life is to lose
    fear beyond the paradigm of the matrix beFore..
    How to.. trUly depends on how much courAge you
    can muSter.. for me.. i was lucky.. i went to hell first..
    and have
    of why it’s worth it
    at almost any cost
    to lose fear.. as fear
    kills liGht.. although yes..
    Fear can be a dArk ark to liGht2..
    LiGht iS Hope.. Love.. and Joy..
    and the inner drive to Move..
    Connect.. and Create..
    dARk.. is Fear.. Hate..
    and Despair.. and
    the Inertia..
    of sitting
    still.. separation..
    and overall stagnation
    of what human potential
    can be.. when all stuff related
    to fear is released.. and changed
    to all stuff related to Hope.. Love and
    Joy.. in MoVinG ConNecTinG and Creating
    as pArt of the Canvas of God as Nature.. that
    is the greATEst hiGher Paint Power of BruSh LiGht as wE..:)

    Hmm.. so apparently.. the EN name test thingie has seen
    the symbol of the Goddess of Victory.. yes.. that
    is what the word Nike means.. as the Swish
    on my shoes and socks.. and
    brings definitive news..
    that my pen name
    per first pARt
    oF Katie..
    as Celtic
    Name means
    Kaiona as form
    iN essence as Bringer
    of Victory.. moving on to
    say.. ‘You are blessed by
    destiny. You Bring happiness
    and joy wherever you go’.. hmm..
    now this takes work.. practice.. and it also takes
    courage and resilience to overcome the naysayers
    in life.. who are not used to folks who challenge the
    paradigms of life.. yes.. what is also known and
    sadly fELt as the system.. the matrix.. yes..
    culture in all its complexity.. including
    religion.. that seeks order in
    insanely large populations..
    of humans packed
    together like
    in cans..
    wHeRe Nature says..
    and yes scientific studies
    say.. 150 to 200 sets of eYes
    are about all we are evolved to
    be comfortable with all naked and
    such dancing free around the moonlit
    campfire homogenous and FReED.. shaRing
    and giving with no greed and jealously where
    even semen is considered holy and each potential
    father who contributes to A Holy womb of birth
    is honored in the act as the next potential
    dad steps up to bat.. for the
    work of the night..
    or broad daylight
    as a group as the
    science and history of
    human sexuality does iSREAL
    document still and report..
    both in modern primitives and
    the archaeology of that.. in artifacts
    of art.. where all of human life and
    nature is worshipped as holy
    and sacred.. as.. see.. in this
    free context.. the
    video i shared earlier..
    of what a free dance of so-called
    primitives would be.. yes.. the ‘Let’s
    ALL Chant’ Video.. tHeRe is no brazilian
    wax.. tHeRe all is fuzzy warm and free
    love for the worship of human life..
    and nature all surrounding that..
    and while 12 thousand years or so noW..
    of agriculture might seem a long long
    time of patriarchal rule of storing grains
    and jealousy and greed.. and owning other
    human beings.. and even purchasing wives
    for non-consensual dowry sex on the first night
    as that is the reality of rape in many cases where
    sure the male may like it fine.. but the woman not so okay
    with first night rape.. and sure some folks follow along with
    that tradition that is truly totally opposite from our God given
    evolving nature still that says variety is the spice of life
    and not FucKinG ownership of free.. but sure.. where
    there is fear imposed through either illusory
    fears or promises.. there is an environment
    of order and laws to enforce strict
    limitations.. and expectations
    of life.. that are ironically
    used to make folks
    more comfortable with
    the insane illusory fears that
    are propagated and empty promises too..
    to endure the abuse away from human freedoms
    in this lifetime.. sure.. like a promise of something
    after death.. when death becomes the goal over life..
    ’cause life sucks so bad.. as propagated by the
    lies of culture and religion same.. as the
    matrix says.. to get unplugged one must
    want to get unplugged as Lord knows..
    most everything about culture
    and religion wants you to
    be cooked up and hooked
    on their books of laws
    away from basic
    now for..
    Life.. Liberty and
    yes.. NoW.. for the pursuit
    of happiness.. for some folks that
    only means doing what other folks tale
    them… To escape the same propagated illusory
    fears and promises.. For others.. it means stepping
    outside of the cultural/religious boXes.. and sometimes
    that means dancing naked ALL and chanting.. and in
    the case of YouTube.. the artist who was
    censored last century for doing this
    on TV.. can get away with
    showing you what it
    would be like to
    dance naked
    blurred lines
    of lingerie.. that
    show.. the human body
    is just a natural work of sensual
    art.. and when you get toGeTheR like
    that.. even if only through mirror neurons
    as a naked virtual rave and go and come.. noW..
    there’s no doubt.. as you dance free in public
    in all the cooperative mall stores that allow this…
    if you glance down at Victoria’s secret that is
    practically the same dam thing.. on the big
    displays outside the store for everyone
    of every age to see and feel free..
    creativity and productivity comes
    to the point that folks wonder
    how the hell you can dance
    that free and fast at
    your size if
    your aren’t
    on FucKinG
    Crack.. well no..
    i wasn’t on crack..
    i had Victoria’s Secret
    playing and showing on
    my FucKinG smARt phone.. haha!..
    while i continued to break the paradigm
    of why so serious folks.. forget about buying
    shit to crowd up your garage and closets some
    more.. just do like Sia does.. and do some FucKinG
    cheap thrills that don’t even cost a dollar.. if you’ve
    already budgeted in for your broadband access
    and 25 dollar or whatever a month fee for
    the newest fastest version of iPhone7
    and Samsung7 to play Victoria’s
    Secret that is like wide
    out in the open..
    at least
    in the land
    of the free and
    the brave.. who
    kNow/FeeL.. how to FuckInG
    unplug and play free from
    the paradigms of illusory fears
    and promises as orchestrated from
    the patriarchy of storing grain.. greed..
    jealousy and all stuff related to fear..
    hate and despair.. of why so
    Trump and Hillary
    serious in all stuff
    culture and religion now..
    Challenging the paradigm is not
    easy.. but when you are Grounded with
    Hope.. Love and Joy within as God lives in
    hiGhest human power within.. it’s kinda easy to
    both giggle inside and feel sorry for the naysayers
    of why so serious still.. Life IS A Beach.. sugar white
    sands.. swaying sea oats in breeze.. and waves that
    never end/begin noW in ocean whole altogether as beauty
    now that knows and feels no limits.. and
    quite Frankly that beauty.. and joy and
    fearless love in human terms of
    God within.. is totally naked
    of cultural limits and
    expectations that
    say worry.. worry..
    and now is not the best
    now ever for life.. liberty
    and the pursuit of happiness.. WeLL..
    IT IS for those who find the Victory
    in jusT doing it now.. for those who
    stay plugged in.. Karma IS A rule of
    liFe.. Action.. Consequence.. dArk or
    liGht.. negative or positive.. i choose
    A naked liGht oF positive SonG noW and
    DancE of liFE Now.. and sure.. i share it..
    as i am not hEar to make a dollar bill off a
    store of greedy and jealous gRains of wheat gOne sOld..:)

    Well anyWay.. the Good news
    is PANdora has E-Scaped..
    dONe been FOUND..
    both her and
    his.. etc..
    out oF
    the Genie’s
    out.. Freedom
    is here.. tHeRe’s
    no turning back as the
    greaTest human technology
    of all is human set FReED…:)

    Second bottom Neo
    line.. thE Choice
    and Will to get
    unplugged as Always
    iS only YoUrs and who
    you serve.. the FREE oF God/Nature
    within NoW.. or the rule of jealous..
    greedy.. storing dollar bill human beings..
    for me at least.. the answer is simple.. naked culture..
    SonG and DancE Freed.. A Chant ALIVE NOW as bEACH..:)

    And to be clear i support all local.. state and
    federal laws.. that protect the still
    vanishing species of human
    that wants to stay
    in the matrix/etc..
    these local.. state
    and federal laws.. ensure
    the free of wE who live God
    within free as naturally evolved
    sTiLL.. do not scare the beejeezus
    out of folks who live in fear.. hate..
    and despair.. as hell is not an easy
    place to live.. i know and feel..
    as i’ve been tHeRe too..
    wHeRe the
    Neo of
    me now..
    would scare
    the FucK iN
    Fear of the
    Dr. Jekyll
    Clark Kent..
    the nerd version
    of Bruce Wayne.. the
    cultural memes and human
    archetype for lily white
    domesticated human dogs..
    are legion for what it
    to lose
    of the wild..
    Wolf i am Free..
    nice wolf.. Good
    Cop Mr. Hyde..
    and Jesus
    as metaphor
    but never
    the less
    Good NoW
    Cop Human Wolf..
    and sure an
    of Words
    aS noW..
    my only
    SWord of Teeth..
    and sure.. Dance
    without a dollar
    bill or even penny
    earned for FREE GOD WITHIN

    Set my people free…

  18. Facebook Friend Rafiah.. shares a status that says..
    as reported by Mohammad Abdus Salam.. a
    famous Pakistani Theoretical Physicist
    that the Quran has many verses
    supporting scientific
    inquiry and
    the expansion
    of knowledge associated with Nature..

    So i ask..

    Just out of curiosity.. do you believe in the theory of Evolution..
    i watched a video from one of the most popular.. apologists
    for Islam.. Dr Zakir Naik… who attempts to say it isn’t fact..
    so in other words.. is this really true.. does Islam evolve
    with scientific discoveries or stay stagnant…
    and of course there are still now in the U.S..
    a substantial number of Fundamentalist
    Christians who deny it.. but thankfully..
    at least the Pope of the Catholic
    Church has evolved on this
    and come into the
    modern age..
    but of course
    he was a Chemistry Major.. smiles..
    Education is the key to ending conflicts
    misery.. suffering.. and useless killing..
    Anyway.. i watched Dr. Zakir.. yell angrily
    at a Medical Student who questioned his
    authority and eventually the medical student
    was censored from speaking further.. in debates
    over here.. Dr. Zakir would have immediately
    been disqualified for just being a bully…
    it disgusts me.. i must say..:)

    And now i go on to say..
    the fact that we share
    a majority of our DNA
    with a common ancestor
    Rodent from 75 million years
    ago.. the mouse today.. and
    of course almost entirely all of it
    with Bonobos and Chimps too..
    and we are born with vestigial gills
    in fetus form within the mother’s womb
    is evidence enough that we all came together
    in a mix of Star dust soup.. and some of us even
    continue to evolve epigenetically in one lifetime or
    become functionally disabled by not using our human
    potential and unlocking our DNA potential through environmental
    challenge… adaptation.. and change.. finAlly the Pope says that
    the God of Nature doesn’t have to do magic tricks.. to test
    us on our human potential.. it comes naturally
    or does not come at all.. but sadly
    he still stands by the side of
    folks who would take
    away a right
    for marriage
    still stuck
    on the hypocritical
    rules in paraphrasing a
    Leviticus of a 3500 year
    old middle east oral tradition
    and scribe copied and mistaken
    book.. as history shows now true and
    liGht too.. with just frigging common sense..
    who would call Jesus a God.. instead of just a
    humble teacher.. ’cause someone said it was so
    in the beginning of the fourth century after 40 years
    of round table oral illiterate Aramaic language of beliefs
    and myths for educated Greeks to determine which sects
    that came and come to be in the 1st Century so-called now..
    after death of Jesus then.. true or false.. of what was named
    something similar to Christianity too..
    and sure.. people use their
    creative minds in
    caves to
    up with whatever
    human archetypes
    and symbols deep down
    for that.. along with plagiarism
    and paraphrasing of what already
    has been said and written down every
    which way and loose too.. including raping
    and pillaging spoils of wars.. including wives
    of soldiers yA killed by the sword and chopping
    off heads too.. hmm.. yeah.. education
    is important.. as ignorance..
    the veils of ignorance
    still reign the world
    closed in
    and needless
    killings supported
    by ancient myths
    and beliefs that have
    no natural credence any
    more as science shows..
    not expecting s single word
    from Rafiah back on this.. as nah..
    i am not a person to get in a debate noW on
    this.. obviously with.. but anyway.. it’s something
    in Rafiah’s education that she has been enlightened
    and changed with.. and sure other stuff is harder to let go
    of.. as she lives there in that culture and i do not.. as Lord
    knows and feels in me.. some of the most ignorant stuff
    propagated in my culture has darkened my life too..
    namely the ignorance of the Catholic Religion
    i was raised in.. it’s a long way to go..
    and Islam religions are still
    stuck in the place
    of women
    who have
    voice in the
    culture now.. no different
    than women before in the U.S.
    too.. but as sociology suggests.. in
    those Muslim countries the minorities
    that sadly still include half of the population
    of women.. too.. will gain the same basic human
    rights in the U.S.. as women and other minorities like homosexuals
    have.. in underprivileged countries ‘over there’.. by 2050.. but surely
    the fact of science now.. that all is connected and interrelated
    and we are made of star dust.. from the Cosmos whole no
    different than a Grain of Sand.. is just ’cause to dance
    naked from the veils of ignorance coming into
    the original DEF of Apocalypse in
    Greek terms that
    means lifting
    those veils
    of ignorance
    true.. and perhaps
    then.. Muslim women who
    want too.. will be able to dance
    naked and free in sands with sun
    and God free.. or if they want to..
    they can stay covered up still.. and
    even stagnate and go functionally disabled
    from their fuller human potential too.. but
    as the Matrix reloaded scene says too..
    and do the
    Wild thing Free..
    for who wants to unplug..
    while the rest can do their
    too.. free
    or not.. in dance
    or song or stagnate same..
    as relative free will Sings
    or does not sing and dance
    of Free verse
    uNiVerse added
    as God verse too..:)

  19. Pingback: After Dance oF Fred | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  20. Pingback: Grand Cross Bible 2016 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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